
Similar question but is there a tool or url in glassfish where I can find list of all generated WSDL? (It is not very good to type className + "Service?wsdl" as for dozen classes with @WebService annotation)

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المحلول 2

You can do this by going into the admin console (I believe this is localhost:4848 by default) and looking at all the items under the Web Services tree on the left. If you click on one, there will be a link to view the wsdl in the details.

نصائح أخرى


You can consider using GlassFish 4.2.1 (as in my case - java-8-oracle, Glassfish 4.2.1 and Eclipse Oxygen). I've discovered some problems with GlassFish 4.0 and namely that the XML schema would not be interpreted and visualized by the server, followed by a server response of 500. In the log files I discovered that there were some issues with the secure connection with the server. The tester would not run as well.

The following example is running under the configuration I've mentioned above.

You can do this by going to http://localhost:4848/common/index.jsf and clicking on the Application menu, on the left hand side dropdown menu. There you chose your applicationGo to application

Application example

As you see, I've set up a basic example called GlassTest. When you click on it, you get yet another menu. Here you chose View Endpoint View Endpoint The WSDL hyperlink gets you the information on the web service endpoint and the schema.Web service endpoint

Hope this helps!

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