
I get the following error message when I try to run my program:

 main.cpp|44|error: type/value mismatch at argument 1 in template
 parameter list for 'template<class _Tp, class _Alloc> class
 std::vector' main.cpp|44|error: expected a type, got '(render)3u'
 main.cpp|44|error: template argument 2 is invalid main.cpp|44|error:
 invalid type in declaration before ';' token
 === Build finished: 4 errors, 0 warnings (0 minutes, 0 seconds) ===

And here is my code for main leading up to the error causing line:

#include <vector>
#include "include/Block.h"
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include "include/TextBlock.h"
#include "include/Enemy.h"
string text;
stringstream ss;
enum render {Normal,SelectRangeText,SelectSText,Enemy,EnemyTypeSelection};
enum render state;
enum type { Foreground, Background, Midground };
enum type selected;
enum types { Blocks, Enemies, Text };
enum types special;
string names[4]  = { "grass" , "smallGrassBlock" , "dirt" , "sand" };
void createEnemy(int,int);
void addEnemyWaypoint(int,int);
void addToList(vector<Block> &list,int x,int y);
void placeText(int x,int y);
void initTextures();
GLint GetTexture(string file);
void IdleFunction();
void removeBlock(int x,int y);
int xOffset,yOffset,multiuse = 0;
using namespace std;
string to_string(int number);
void placeBlock(int x,int y);
void drawBitmapText(char *string, float x, float y, float z);
void reshape(int w, int h);
void render(void);
void keyboard(unsigned char c,int x,int y);
void mouse(int button,int state, int x, int y);
void arrows(int key, int x, int y );
std::vector <Block> backBlockList;
std::vector <TextBlock> textBlockList;
std::vector <Block> midBlockList;
std::vector <Block> foreBlockList;
std::vector <Enemy> enemyList;//error occurs here
GLuint  textures[1];
unsigned int screenXSize=800;
unsigned int screenYSize=800;
unsigned int selectedBlockType = 1;
int main(int argc, char ** argv)

The header for enemy:

#ifndef ENEMY_H
#define ENEMY_H
#include <vector>
class Enemy
        Enemy(int Type );
        virtual ~Enemy();
        void render(int,int,GLuint);
        void addWaypoint(int,int);
        int type;
        std::vector <int> X, Y;
        int xsize,ysize;
#endif // ENEMY_H

And the constructor for enemy:

Enemy::Enemy(int Type)

However it will run corrrectly if I substitute the type of my vector to an int. When the following line is commented out: std::vector enemyList; it compiles, however if it's there it doesn't when declaring an Enemy like this Enemy e(5);

it runs correctly

Updates: If i change the enemy header, and cpp to something like the following:


#include "../include/Enemy.h"

Enemy::Enemy( )




#ifndef ENEMY_H
#define ENEMY_H

class Enemy

        Enemy(  );



#endif // ENEMY_H

It still crashes with the same error, this means it must be something in main

FIX: For some reason when I declare it in the line above my enums it works, however if below it doesn't, I have no idea why. If someone could explain this please go ahead.

هل كانت مفيدة؟

المحلول 2

To have a vector of some value type, the type must have an available no-argument constructor, which yours doesn't (ie. that's what the error message is telling you). However, since I doubt you want to copy around Enemys, you should store them by pointer,ie.

vector<Enemy*> enemies;
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_ENEMIES; ++i)
    enemies.push_back(new Enemy(type));

EDIT I just noticed you have the following declaration

class Enemy...

but you also declare an enum value

enum render {... ,Enemy, ....

I just compiled the following code and got a suspiciously similar error:

#inlcude <vector>

class A {};

enum type {A, B, C};

std::vector<A> As;

int main(int argc, char** argv)
  return 0;

So there's your problem. When it comes time to resolve the template, the compiler sees an enum value (which can be a template parameter, just like any other integral type), and assumes that's the one you meant. However, since no vector template matches (they all have a class as the first template parameter), it doesn't compile. Hence, your error.

نصائح أخرى

For some functions, std::vector<T> requires that T be default-constructible. Your Enemy class cannot be default-constructed, therefore the compiler issues an error. Either define a default constructor for Enemy, do not call vector functions that require default constructibility, or change the vector to be of a different type.

Given the virtual use in Enemy, and that std::vector<Enemy> could never accept a derived class, plus your use of disgusting global variables, C arrays and otherwise terrible code, I am going to posit that you have no idea what is going on.

A std::vector<Enemy> can only ever hold an Enemy. It cannot hold a derived class of Enemy or anything else. It can only hold Enemy. If you wish to have a vector of things that might be various derived classes, you must use a pointer of some degree of ownership. This means you must solve the problem of who owns the objects being pointed to, and further that you must understand the concept of ownership and what smart pointers are available. This is essential knowledge for C++ and you won't get far without it.

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