
I have submitted a site feed to feedly as a publisher. But I don't find how many subscribers I have from anywhere. Is there any way to check the subscriber count?

هل كانت مفيدة؟


Try to type as follows

curl http://cloud.feedly.com/v3/feeds/feed%2Fhttp%3A%2F%2Fblog.shonanshachu.com%2Ffeeds%2Fposts%2Fdefault

Then response will be

  "description":"スマートフォン向けアプリ開発やサーバサイドの開発に関する技術ブログです。 エンジニアdommyのつぶやきは@shonanshachu、ソースコードはGitHubで配信中。"

نصائح أخرى

The only way I found:

  • Visit: http://cloud.feedly.com/#latest
  • Click "+Add content"
  • Enter the URL of your feed and hit "Enter"
  • Now the search results contains the number of subscribers


enter image description here

Try to use the following


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