
i'm using flex for an application but i'm having some trouble to recover data from a datagrid that has a checkbox in one of the columns, the problem is that i can't use the function selectedIndex or selectedItem, because they are used to save the checked items.

Is there a way to recovery the datagrid informations using the column and row indices? Something like:

MyDataGrid[row][column] or MyDataProvider[row][column] or any combination of functions to allow me recovery an information using only the row and column.


هل كانت مفيدة؟


If you just want to be able to get a cell value of the data grid using row and col indices, you can extend the DataGrid component and add one simple function.

Here is a working example.

It looks something like this:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:DataGrid xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009" 
        width="400" height="300">
        import spark.components.gridClasses.GridColumn;

        public function getElementAt(row:int, col:int):Object
            if (this.dataProvider.length < row + 1 || this.columns.length < col + 1)
                return null;
                return this.dataProvider.getItemAt(row)[(this.columns.getItemAt(col) as GridColumn).dataField];

Then you call it in your application like this:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009" 
           minWidth="955" minHeight="600" 
        import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
        import mx.controls.Alert;

        [Bindable]private var collection:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection([
            {fld01:1, fld02:"fld02", fld03:"fld13", fld04:"fld14"},
            {fld01:2, fld02:"fld02", fld03:"fld23", fld04:"fld24"},
            {fld01:3, fld02:"fld02", fld03:"fld33", fld04:"fld34"},
            {fld01:4, fld02:"fld02", fld03:"fld43", fld04:"fld44"},
            {fld01:5, fld02:"fld02", fld03:"fld53", fld04:"fld54"}

        protected function getElement():void
            var obj:Object = myDG.getElementAt(nsRow.value, nsCol.value);


<s:VGroup x="20" y="20">

        <s:NumericStepper id="nsRow" minimum="0" value="0"/>
        <s:NumericStepper id="nsCol" minimum="0" value="0"/>
        <s:Button label="Get It!" click="getElement()"/>

    <dgrc:CustomDataGrid id="myDG" width="300" height="160" dataProvider="{collection}">
                <s:GridColumn dataField="fld01" headerText="Field 1" width="100"/>
                <s:GridColumn dataField="fld03" headerText="Field 3" width="100"/>
                <s:GridColumn dataField="fld04" headerText="Field 4"/>


Be aware that the row and col indices in this example refer a cell of the data grid and not a value of the data grid provider.

If you call

getElementAt(0, 1)

you will get "fld13"

نصائح أخرى

If you are using the original DataGrid control, it is better to use the itemToLabel method of DataGridColumn, because item[dataField] will cause an exception when the property value contains dot notation, such as "customer.name":

    public function getElementAt(row:int, col:int):Object {
        var item:Object = dataProvider.getItemAt(row)
        var column:DataGridColumn = dataGrid.columns[column] as DataGridColumn;
        var value:String = column.itemToLabel(item);
        return value;

This same method is used by the framework to provide the text displayed in the grid cell. If your checkbox in the grid is driven by a boolean property, the returned value will be true or false.

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