Multiple independent ST/State monads within a Monad Transformer (RandT)...complicated wrapping/unwrapping



Just learning how to get a deeper intuitive grasp of monads and transformers; a lot of things that might seem obvious are still kind of tricky to me haha.

So I have a computation that lives in the Rand monad, but inside it, there is another "sub-computation" (or multiple) that lives inside an ST monad (or State monad, for all it matters ... ST only for performance but I think State works just as well in this context).

The entire computation doesn't need to be inside the ST monad...and this sub-computation will be called multiple times with different starting states, so I don't want to coerce the entire thing into an ST (unless that's the idiomatic way).

Without randomness, the structure looks like this:

main = print mainComp

mainComp :: Int
mainComp = otherComp + (subComp 1) + (subComp 2)

subComp :: Int -> Int
subComp n = runST $ do
  -- generate state based on n
  -- ...
  replicateM_ 100 mutateState
  -- ...
  -- eventually returns an ST s Int

mutateState :: ST s ()
mutateState = -- ...

Basically things work pretty well and there is complete referential transparency in mainComp and subComp.

This is how I've so far used Rand --

main = (evalRandIO mainComp) >>= print

mainComp :: (RandomGen g) => Rand g Int
mainComp = do
  subResultA <- subComp 1
  subResultB <- subComp 2
  return $ otherComp + subResultA + subResultB

subComp :: (RandomGen g) => Int -> Rand g Int
subComp = return $ runST $ do           -- is this ok to just throw in return?
  -- generate state based on n
  -- ...
  replicateM_ 100 mutateState
  -- ...
  -- eventually returns an ST s Int (??)

mutateState :: ??
mutateState = ??

What is the type of mutateState supposed to be, if I wanted to use the random seed and the Rand monad in it? I think I might want to use a return type of RandT g (ST s) (), but how do I make that fit in with the type expected in the runST in subComp?

هل كانت مفيدة؟


With monad transformers, you 'peel off' layers in the inverse order in which you add them. So, if you have something of type RandT g (ST s) (), you start by eliminating the RandT using evalRandT or runRandT, and only then calling runST.

Here's a simple example of combining RandT and ST:

import Data.STRef
import System.Random

import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Control.Monad.ST
import Control.Monad.Random
import Control.Monad.Random.Class

stNrand :: RandT StdGen (ST s) Int
stNrand = do
    ref <- lift $ newSTRef 0
    i <- getRandomR (0,10)
    lift $ writeSTRef ref i
    lift $ readSTRef ref

main :: IO ()
main = putStrLn . show $ runST $ evalRandT stNrand (mkStdGen 77)

Edit: Here's an expanded version, now with a function runSTBelowRand that lets you embed RandT StdGen (ST s) a computations in Rand StdGen a computations. The function uses getSplit to split the seed of the global computation, and feed the new seed to the sub-computation.

{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}

import Data.STRef
import System.Random

import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Control.Monad.ST
import Control.Monad.Random
import Control.Monad.Random.Class

stNrand :: RandT StdGen (ST s) Int
stNrand = do
    ref <- lift $ newSTRef 0
    i <- getRandomR (0,10)
    lift $ writeSTRef ref i
    lift $ readSTRef ref

runSTBelowRand :: (forall s. RandT StdGen (ST s) a) -> Rand StdGen a
runSTBelowRand r = do
    splittedSeed <- getSplit
    return $ runST $ evalRandT r splittedSeed

globalRand :: Rand StdGen (Int,Int)
globalRand = do
    i1 <- runSTBelowRand stNrand
    -- possibly non-ST stuff here
    i2 <- runSTBelowRand stNrand
    return (i1,i2)

main :: IO ()
main = putStrLn . show $ evalRand globalRand (mkStdGen 77)
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