
I'm trying to get my head around using CommonJS modules within a Backbone application, so I have a skeleton Backbone View defined in /views/categories/edit.js:

app.Views.quoteCategoriesEdit = app.Ui.ModalView.extend({

    className: '',

    template: JST["templates/quotes/categories/quote-categories-edit.html"],
    events: {
        'click [data-key="save"]': 'save',
        'click [data-key="cancel"]': 'cancel'
    initialize: function (options) {
        var that = this;
        _.bindAll(this, 'save', 'cancel');
        app.Collections.quotesCategories.on('change add', function () {

    render: function () {
        var that = this;
        // boilerplate render code
        return this;


If someone could show me how I can convert this into a CommonJS module to be used with Browserify, then I would be very grateful and it'd really help me understand how I go about modularising the rest of the application! Thanks

هل كانت مفيدة؟


//once you get things into folders/files, this path may change
//but for now I'm assuming all your views will live in the same directory 
var ModalView = require('./modal-view');

var QuoteCategoriesEdit = ModalView.extend({

    className: '',

    template: JST["templates/quotes/categories/quote-categories-edit.html"],
    events: {
        'click [data-key="save"]': 'save',
        'click [data-key="cancel"]': 'cancel'
    initialize: function (options) {
        var that = this;
        _.bindAll(this, 'save', 'cancel');
        app.Collections.quotesCategories.on('change add', function () {

    render: function () {
        var that = this;
        // boilerplate render code
        return this;

//Simplest convention is just 1-class-per-module
//Just export the constructor function
module.exports = QuoteCategoriesEdit;

Follow-up question from the comments:

Very much appreciate this! How would you approach: app.Collections.quotesCategories as I house everything under the app namespace? Do I just require the Collection itself?

So the idea of an "app" namespace is the opposite of being modular/commonjs/browserify/requirejs. You don't need an app object anymore. Any module that needs to create a new instance of this collection would just do var QuotesCategories = require('app/collections/quotes-categories'); and that is all. No more globals or namespace objects. Mostly your views will get the models/collections they need in their constructor function options. Most of your models will get created by calling fetch on a collection, and most of your collections will be instantiated by your router.

Oh, and yes in this specific example it's probably best if non-view code creates the collection and passes it to the view via the constructor options.collection parameter. However, if you decided yes you really wanted your view to instantiate the collection, it wouldn't come from the app global namespace object, it would just come from a require call as you describe in your comment.

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