
I have this issue in VB.Net.

I have a List of type String.

Dim list As New List(Of String)

This list may or may not contain Duplicates.
Now what i want is, lets say the list has values {"10", "10", "10", "11", "11", "12"}
I want to create an Array(2-dimensional)/List which will give me value like this.

Simple means 10 exists 3 times, 11 exists 2 times and 12 exists 1 time.
Please don't dive me any LINQ replies as i am using VB.Net 2.0

هل كانت مفيدة؟


In .NET 2, you'll have to track this yourself. The simplest way would likely be to build your own Dictionary(Of String, Integer) to store the counts, and loop manually:

Dim dict = New Dictionary(Of String, Integer)
For Each value in list
    If dict.ContainsKey(value) Then
         Dim count = dict(value)
         dict(value) = count + 1
         dict(value) = 1
    End If

' dict now contains item/count
For Each kvp in dict
    Console.WriteLine("Item {0} has {1} elements", kvp.Key, kvp.Value)

نصائح أخرى

Why not use a dictionary:

    Dim lookup As New Dictionary(Of String, Integer)
    For Each sz As String In list
        If Not lookup.ContainsKey(sz) Then lookup.Add(sz, 0)
        lookup(sz) += 1

You need to use a Dictionary(Of String, Integer) to hold the counts of each unique value, like this:

Dim dict As New Dictionary(Of String, Integer)

For Each item As String In list
    If dict.ContainsKey(item) Then
        dict(item) += 1
        dict.Add(item, 1)
    End If

Now you can loop through the dictionary and use the results, like this:

For Each result As String In dict.Keys
    ' Do something with result
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