
As a preface, I'm writing code in Access 2003, but will have users using Access 2013, and so I need it to be compatible for both. I have a loop that uses the Application.FileSearch to loop through a number of files in a directory. It is my understanding that this is deprecated in newer version of Access, and so I have to use "For Each" to loop through files.

Here's the piece of code I'm changing:

strPath = CurrentProject.Path & "\Files\"

strFileName = "SourceCode.txt"

With Application.FileSearch
    .FileName = "*.txt"
    .LookIn = strPath
    intFileCount = .foundfiles.Count
    For x = 1 To intFileCount
        Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
        Set f = fs.GetFile(.foundfiles(x))
        strNewFileName = Right((.foundfiles(x)), Len((.foundfiles(x))) - (InStr((.foundfiles(x)), "Files\") + 5))
        fs.MoveFile f, strPath & strFileName
        'Run the Process() function
        FileCopy strPath & strFileName, strPath & "Processed\" & strNewFileName
        Kill strPath & strFileName
    Next x
End With

And here's the code I'm replacing it with:

strPath = CurrentProject.Path & "\Files\"

strFileName = "SourceCode.txt"

Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set f = fs.GetFolder(strPath)
Set fc = f.Files

For Each f1 In fc
    Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strPath & f1.Name, 1)
    strNewFileName = f1.Name
    f1.Name = strFileName
    'Run the Process() function
    FileCopy strPath & strFileName, strPath & "Processed\" & strNewFileName
    Kill strPath & strFileName

This code loops through each file, then launches a Process() function that makes changes to the file. So the way I have it working is it changes the active file to be named "SourceCode.txt", then the Process() function knows to work with the file of that name. Then it moves the file to the "Processed" subfolder, with its original file name.

This worked fine in the original code. The new code seems to mostly work, except I can't find a way to rename the file to "SourceCode.txt" prior to launching Process(). I tried several ways but I keep getting errors. In the code above, I tried "f1.Name = strFileName". This gives me a "Permission Denied" error. I tried alternatively to use FileCopy, and then the Kill command on the original file, but the Kill command returned an error. I suspect the FileSystemObject is locking the file so it can't be moved or killed. But the old version of the code was able to move it with no problem.

هل كانت مفيدة؟


You get "Permission Denied" because you are attempting to rename a file when it is in use, namely by objFSO.OpenTextFile. This is different than fs.GetFile and not in your original code - do you need it? It returns a TextStream that you are not subsequently using.

In any event, move the f1.Name = strFileName to before opening the file, or after you are done processing, call objFile.Close and then rename.

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