
I use jQuery 1.7.2 with jQuery UI autocomplete 1.8.22 and it works fine with all pc based browsers

On mobile browsers other than Chrome, when the search terms are using non-latin characters (let's say greek) other mobile browsers such as Firefox and Safari fail.

Are there any known issues I should be aware that affects mobile Firefox and Safari?

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المحلول 2

The solutions i have found for solve the problem is

$('#element').on('input', function(){
    $(this).autocomplete("search", $(this).val());

نصائح أخرى

I think the problem is that this version of ui autocomplete is not optimized for input events on mobile browsers. Mobile firefox doesn't support keyup and keydown events. In later versions of jQuery ui this problem is fixed.

Here is the link on jquery forum describing this problem. http://bugs.jqueryui.com/ticket/8263

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