I'm using the wicked gem After I hit RequestStepsController#update, I'm being redirected to /request_steps/wicked_finish. I have no idea why. Any suggestions? If it worked as I expected it to, then the next step after updating the object would be :the_frame, as described in steps.

From the log:

  Started PUT "/request_steps/77" for

  Processing by RequestStepsController#update as HTML
    Parameters: {"utf8"=>"✓", "authenticity_token"=>"XXX", "request"=>{"background_information"=>"prefilled"}, "commit"=>"C

  Redirected to http://localhost:3000/request_steps/wicked_finish

  Started GET "/request_steps/wicked_finish" for
  Processing by RequestStepsController#show as HTML
    Parameters: {"id"=>"wicked_finish"}
  Completed 404 Not Found in 180ms

  ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound - Couldn't find Request without an ID:

This is my RequestStepsController

class RequestStepsController < ApplicationController include Wicked::Wizard

steps :background_information, 

def show
  @request = Request.find(params[:request])

def update
  @request = Request.find(params[:id])
  render_wizard @request

def request_params
  params.require(:request).permit(:title, :description, :goal, 


This is my form:

= simple_form_for(@request, url: wizard_path(@request), method: :put, :html => { :class => 'form-inline span8 help_text' }) do |f|


(disclaimer: I did not read your complete question :))

The render_wizard method checks if it can save your @request object. If it can it will go to the next step and try to save it there.. and so on.. until the last step.

See the source code here: https://github.com/schneems/wicked/blob/master/lib/wicked/controller/concerns/render_redirect.rb#L17

To stop it from doing so you need to make sure your object can't be saved in the particular step. Something like described here: https://github.com/schneems/wicked/wiki/Building-Partial-Objects-Step-by-Step

You could also use render_step(params[:id]) instead of render_wizard.

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