I am trying to pop up a dialog (i.e. a FileDialog) in an Eclipse Plugin, actually before of an Acceleo transformation I am running through the related UI Launcher project (http://lowcoupling.com/post/51877317162/the-acceleo-ui-launcher-project)

I am trying to do this in the related doGenerate method...

public void doGenerate(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws IOException {

    Display display = Display.getCurrent();

but the display I get is null How should I do that?



The documentation of IWorkbench#getDisplay() states:

Code should always ask the workbench for the display rather than rely on Display.getDefault().

So use:




I'm not sure if you looked at this yet, but in the documentation for the class Display, it says that Display.getCurrent() returns

null if the currently running thread is not a user-interface thread for any display.

This might be the problem, but without more information I can't tell.

You can try getting the default display Display.getDefault() or the workbench display PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getDisplay()

If you are not running in the UI thread, try the following:

Display.getDefault().syncExec(new Runnable() {
    public void run() {
        // ... do work that updates the screen ...

I was facing the same issue. I used getShell().getDisplay() instead of Display.getCurrent() and it worked for me.

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