I have a vector of vectors to establish a map of integers, and I would love to catch a vector out of range error whenever it is thrown, by doing the following:

vector< vector<int> > agrid(sizeX, vector<int>(sizeY));

try {
    agrid[-1][-1] = 5;     //throws an out-of-range
catch (const std::out_of_range& e) {
    cout << "Out of Range error.";

However, my code doesn't seem to be catching the error at all. It still seems to want to run std::terminate. Does anyone know whats up with this?



In case you want it to throw an exception, use std::vector::at1 instead of operator[]:

try {
    agrid.at(-1).at(-1) = 5;
catch (const std::out_of_range& e) {
    cout << "Out of Range error.";

1 - Returns a reference to the element at specified location pos, with bounds checking. If pos is not within the range of the container, an exception of type std::out_of_range is thrown


The std::vector::operator [] (size_type) does not apply any range check (which is good). The function std::vector::at(size_type) does (which is good for lazy programmers). Hence ensure a proper range or check first and throw some useful exception (if you actually have to do it).

(Note: In debug compilations it might be different)

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