I have one class and I set [Serializable] attribute to that class.

in this class I define one font class member.but when I am trying to serialize it gives me an error like "system.drawing.font cannot be serialized"



I did this in a recent project:

public Font Font {
  get { return mFont; }
  set { mFont = value; }

public string FontHidden {
  get { return FontSerializationHelper.Serialize(mFont); }
  set { mFont = FontSerializationHelper.Deserialize(value); }

The FontSerializationHelper class is as follows:

using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Xml.Serialization;

internal class FontSerializationHelper
    public static Font Deserialize(string value)
        object m = Regex.Match(value, "^(?<Font>[\\w ]+),(?<Size>(\\d+(\\.\\d+)?))(,(?<Style>(R|[BIU]{1,3})))?$", RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

        if (m.Success) 
            if (m.Groups.Count < 4 || m.Groups(3).Value == "R") 
                return new Font(m.Groups("Font").Value, Single.Parse(m.Groups("Size").Value));
                object fs = m.Groups(3).Value.IndexOf("B") >= 0 ? FontStyle.Bold : FontStyle.Regular | m.Groups(3).Value.IndexOf("I") >= 0 ? FontStyle.Italic : FontStyle.Regular | m.Groups(3).Value.IndexOf("U") >= 0 ? FontStyle.Underline : FontStyle.Regular;
                return new Font(m.Groups("Font").Value, Single.Parse(m.Groups("Size").Value), fs);
            throw new FormatException("Value is not properly formatted.");

    public static string Serialize(Font value)
        string str;

        str = value.Name + "," + value.Size.ToString() + ",";
        if (value.Style == FontStyle.Regular) 
            str += "R";
            if (value.Bold) str += "B";
            if (value.Italic) str += "I";
            if (value.Underline) str += "U";

        return str;

Note that I'm just saving Font Family, Size and Style information. You may want to add more to it.


Even if this question is old, here are my solutions:

Solution #1 (this one lose GdiCharSet and GdiVerticalFont parameter):

private Font font = new Font("Arial", 13f, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, 0, false);

public Font Font {
    get { return font; }
    set { font = value; }

public string FontSerialize {
    get { return TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(typeof(Font)).ConvertToInvariantString(font); }
    set { font = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(typeof(Font)).ConvertFromInvariantString(value) as Font; }

Solution #2 (utilizing all Font constructor parameter):


public Font Font {
    get { return font; }
    set { font = value; }

public string FontSerialize {
    get { return FontSerializationHelper.ToString(font); }
    set { font = FontSerializationHelper.FromString(value); }

FontSerializationHelper class:

static public class FontSerializationHelper {

    static public Font FromString(string value) {
        var parts = value.Split(':');
        return new Font(
            parts[0],                                                   // FontFamily.Name
            float.Parse(parts[1]),                                      // Size
            EnumSerializationHelper.FromString<FontStyle>(parts[2]),    // Style
            EnumSerializationHelper.FromString<GraphicsUnit>(parts[3]), // Unit
            byte.Parse(parts[4]),                                       // GdiCharSet
            bool.Parse(parts[5])                                        // GdiVerticalFont

    static public string ToString(Font font) {
        return font.FontFamily.Name
                + ":" + font.Size
                + ":" + font.Style
                + ":" + font.Unit
                + ":" + font.GdiCharSet
                + ":" + font.GdiVerticalFont

EnumSerializationHelper class:

static public class EnumSerializationHelper {

    static public T FromString<T>(string value) {
        return (T)Enum.Parse(typeof(T), value, true);

You can't serialize a Font. You can't serialize most GDI resources.

You can try to use the FontConverter class to serialize it to a string for you.

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