In Emacs on Ubuntu Raring.. I have SBCL loaded in Emacs because i use it all the time. I type (ql:quickload "ieee-floats") to load my first library on a freshly installed ACL in emacs after typing M-- M-x slime to load ACL and get this error:

 While searching for system "ieee-floats":
    evaluated to
 which is
    not a directory.

the first few lines of my ACL asdf:central-registry are :


so acl is just looking at first file and stopping. Also in the asdf:central-registry in ACL it list all the files in the root directory as well as the folders but in SBCL it just lists all the root folders in quicklisp/dist/software and SBCL works for installing quicklisp libraries i/e

ACL's lists all root folder files


SBCL'S - lists just root folder


and sbcl and acl init files contain the same thing:

 (require :asdf)
 ;put all subdirectories of quicklisp\software into asdf:*central-registry*
  (dolist (dir (directory "/home/w/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/*/"))
  (pushnew dir asdf:*central-registry* :test #'equal))

 ;;; The following lines added by ql:add-to-init-file:
 (let ((quicklisp-init (merge-pathnames "quicklisp/setup.lisp"
   (when (probe-file quicklisp-init)
     (load quicklisp-init)))



That *central-registry* is screwed up. Your ;put all subdirectories bit in your init file is causing the problem. Remove it, and you can just use ql:quickload to load libraries, e.g. (ql:quickload :vecto).

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