How to delete the first line of a file using Batch?

I really need help... I've tried everything but it didn't work. :( I've tried this :

@echo off
Type test.txt | findstr /I /V /C:"So, lets remove this line" >>Test2.txt


Some tasks are clumsy with pure batch techniques (and mangles characters) - this is a robust solution and uses a helper batch file called findrepl.bat that uses built in jscript-ing from -

Place findrepl.bat in the same folder as the batch file.

type "file.txt"|findrepl /v /o:1:1 >"newfile.txt"

Another method is to use more.exe but it has limitations with the number of lines at 64K and it mangles TAB characters.

more +2 <file.txt >newfile.txt


(echo off
for /f "skip=1 tokens=1* delims=" %A in (c:\windows\win.ini) do echo %A
echo on)

You'll need to loop through your file line by line and output each line, except the first one.

From your example it looks like you might be looking for a specific string.

try this question/answer .. it might help you get you on your way.

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