In numpy (1.8), I want to move this computation out of a Python loop into something more numpy-ish for better performance:

(width, height) = base.shape
(toolw, toolh) = tool.shape
for i in range(0, width-toolw):
    for j in range(0, height-toolh):
        zdiff[i,j] = (tool - base[i:i+toolw, j:j+toolh]).min()

base is a ~2000x2000 array, and tool is a 25x25 array. (Background context: base and tool are height maps, and I'm trying to figure out the closest approach for tool moved all over base.)

I'm trying to use a striding trick, starting with this:

base_view = np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided(base, shape=(2000, 2000, 25, 25), 
                                            strides=(base.strides * 2))

This would make base_view[10,20] be a 25x25 array of values from base at the upper left corner of (10, 20).

However, this is failing with "Array too big". From value testing, it looks like it reports this problem when the potential size of the array (e.g. 2000*2000*25*25*8) exceeds 2^32-ish and it's triggering an overflow check that multiplies out all the dimensions. (I am on a 32-bit Python installation).

I feel like I'm missing something -- why won't it let me create this "stride view" when the stride values clearly work? Is there a way to force this?

And more generally, is there a way to optimize my loop above?

Updated: exact error:

ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-14-313b3d6c74fa> in <module>()
----> 1 newa = np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided(base, shape=(1000, 1000, 25, 25), strides=(base.strides * 2))

C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\numpy\lib\stride_tricks.pyc in as_strided(x, shape, strides)
     28     if strides is not None:
     29         interface['strides'] = tuple(strides)
---> 30     array = np.asarray(DummyArray(interface, base=x))
     31     # Make sure dtype is correct in case of custom dtype
     32     array.dtype = x.dtype

C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\numpy\core\numeric.pyc in asarray(a, dtype, order)
    459     """
--> 460     return array(a, dtype, copy=False, order=order)
    462 def asanyarray(a, dtype=None, order=None):

ValueError: array is too big.


I can't really help you with the strides approach, but do have a method that should be faster than your original code. It loops over the tool array instead of over the base array, meaning, however not fully vectorized, a lot more work is pushed to numpy.

Note that in your original code I changed the ranges and switched the widths and heights, because I assume that is what you intended..

import numpy as np

height, width = 500, 500
toolh, toolw = 6, 6

base = np.random.rand(height, width)
tool = np.random.rand(toolh, toolw)

m, n = height-toolh+1, width-toolw+1

def height_diff_old(base, tool):
    zdiff = np.empty((m, n))
    for i in range(m):
        for j in range(n):
            zdiff[i, j] = (tool - base[i:i+toolh, j:j+toolw]).min()
    return zdiff

def height_diff_new(base, tool):
    zdiff = np.empty((m, n))
    for i in range(toolh):
        for j in range(toolw):
            diff_ij = tool[i, j] - base[i:i+m, j:j+n]
            np.minimum(zdiff, diff_ij, out=zdiff)
    return zdiff

Of course you'd want to calculate the heights and widths in your actual function, but for testing it was easier having them as globals.

For the given array sizes the original code runs in 7.38 seconds while the new code takes only 206 milliseconds on my system. I assume the new code is faster for your array sizes as well but I'm not sure how well it scales :)

Other alternatives that may or may not be of interest for you are using Numba or Cython, which in many cases should be faster than any "vectorized" numpy code you think of..

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