

解决方案 3

测试尺寸和微风之后,我决定 微风 适合我的最佳需求。两者都允许您将窗户放在左,右或全屏上。为我出售的功能是为应用程序设置默认的大小和位置,并为其分配快捷键。


sizeup 正是您需要的:



Divvy是一个小的Menubar应用程序,可让您自动调整任何活动窗口的大小。 Divviy实际上将您的屏幕分为6x6网格。当被调用时,Divvy用这个6x6网格在屏幕中间提出了一点HUD。根据要调整活动窗口大小的屏幕的哪一部分,只需拖动并选择HUD上的那些正方形,其余的窗口就会完成。这很简单。

接班 (链接中的原始版本)执行此操作,并且是免费的和开源的。

编辑:该项目现已开始 github, 但是,最后一个版本是在2010年11月。




如果您有魔术鼠标或魔术触控板, 更好的Touchtool 更好,因为您可以设置特定的手势来管理窗口。就像四指左滑动一样,可以调整屏幕左50%的窗口大小。

摩尔 是很棒的。您可以将窗口捕捉到:全屏,半屏幕,四分之一屏幕。您也可以通过网格调整大小。它也支持自定义键盘快捷键。

Moom screenshot

我个人每天都使用尺寸和分割。如果我早些时候知道Shiftit,我可能不会为SizeUp付费。尚未提及的另一个要检查的是 更好的Touchtool, ,它具有许多其他功能,但隐藏在高级选项中的是他们称之为“窗口捕捉”的不错的功能,当您将其拖动到侧面时,它将窗口捕捉到屏幕的左侧或右侧。不包含键盘快捷键功能,但它是尺寸和Divvy的不错补充。

我从这里发现 堆栈溢出上的主题问题:


App Store的另一个

你也可以尝试 石板 这是免费的开源。

您可能还想阅读 文章 关于它。

这是一个applescript,它将在最初的应用程序中铺上所有打开的窗口。添加 ~/Library/Scripts 并从菜单栏中的苹果菜单中调用。加盐以味道(和免费)。

--tile windows of frontmost applications in a grid
--this script is useful for
--multiple window chatting
--working side by side of several windows of the same app

--make need to make it as a stay open application later
--for now assume that it is opened and closed per invokation

property horizontalSpacing : 10 -- sets the horizontal spacing between windows
property verticalSpacing : 10 -- sets the vertical spacing between windows
property maxRows : 2
property maxCols : 2

on run {}
    local a
    set userscreen to my getUserScreen()

    --display dialog (getFrntApp() as string)
        set applist to getFrntApp()
        if length of applist = 0 then
        end if
        set a to item 1 of getFrntApp()
    on error the error_message number the error_number
        display dialog "Error: " & the error_number & ". " & the error_message buttons {"OK"} default button 1
    end try

        tileScriptable(a, userscreen)
    on error the error_message number the error_number
        --display dialog "Error: " & the error_number & ". " & the error_message buttons {"OK"} default button 1
            tileUnscriptable(a, userscreen)
        on error the error_message number the error_number
            display dialog "Error: " & the error_number & ". " & the error_message buttons {"OK"} default button 1
        end try
    end try

end run

on tileScriptable(a, screen)
    local i, c
    set i to 1
    tell application named a
        set theWindows to every window of application a whose visible is true and floating is false and ¬
            modal is false -- and miniaturized is false
        set c to count theWindows
        if c = 0 then
        end if
        set tiles to calTileBounds(c, screen, 1)
        repeat with theWindow in theWindows
            my tileScriptableWindow(a, theWindow, item i of tiles)
            set i to i + 1
        end repeat
    end tell
end tileScriptable

on tileUnscriptable(a, screeninfo)
    -- unscriptable app
    local i, c
    set i to 1
    tell application "System Events"
        set theWindows to (every window of application process a)
        --set theWindows to my filterUnscriptableInvisible(theWindows)

        set c to count theWindows

        if c = 0 then
        end if

        --display dialog screeninfo as string giving up after 5
        set tiles to my calTileBounds(c, screeninfo, 1)
        repeat with theWindow in theWindows
            --display dialog (class of visible of theWindow)
            my tileUnScriptableWindow(a, theWindow, item i of tiles)
            set i to i + 1
        end repeat

    end tell
end tileUnscriptable

on filterUnscriptableInvisible(ws)
    -- filter out from ws windows that are docked    
    set newws to {}
    set docklist to getNamesDocked()
    --display dialog (docklist as string)
    repeat with theWindow in ws
        if name of theWindow is not in docklist then
            set end of newws to theWindow
        end if
    end repeat

    --display dialog (count newws)
    return newws
end filterUnscriptableInvisible

on getNamesDocked()
    tell application "System Events" to tell process "Dock"'s list 1
        set l to name of UI elements whose subrole is "AXMinimizedWindowDockItem"
    end tell

    return l
end getNamesDocked

on tileScriptableWindow(a, w, bound)
    tell application a
        set bounds of w to bound
    end tell
end tileScriptableWindow

on tileUnScriptableWindow(a, w, bound)
    tell application "System Events"
        --display dialog (count position of w)
        set AppleScript's text item delimiters to " "

        set position of w to {(item 1 of bound), (item 2 of bound)}

        -- why the -5?
        set size of w to {(item 3 of bound) - (item 1 of bound) - 5, ¬
            (item 4 of bound) - (item 2 of bound) - 5}
        --display dialog (count properties of w)
    end tell
end tileUnScriptableWindow

on calTileBounds(nWindows, screen, direction)
    -- return a list of lists of window bounds
    -- a simple tile algo that tiles along direction (current only 1=horizontal)

    local nrows, nColumns, irow, icolumn, nSpacingWidth, nSpacingHeight, nWindowWidth, nWindowHeight
    set {x0, y0, availScreenWidth, availScreenHeight} to screen
    set ret to {}

    set nrows to (nWindows div maxCols)
    if (nWindows mod maxCols) ≠ 0 then
        set nrows to nrows + 1
    end if

    if nrows < maxRows then
        set nSpacingHeight to (nrows - 1) * verticalSpacing
        set nWindowHeight to (availScreenHeight - nSpacingHeight) / nrows
        set nSpacingHeight to (maxRows - 1) * verticalSpacing
        set nWindowHeight to (availScreenHeight - nSpacingHeight) / maxRows
    end if

    repeat with irow from 0 to nrows - 1
        if nrows ≤ maxRows and irow = nrows - 1 then
            set nColumns to nWindows - irow * maxCols
            set nColumns to maxCols
        end if
        set nSpacingWidth to (nColumns - 1) * horizontalSpacing
        set nWindowWidth to (availScreenWidth - nSpacingWidth) / nColumns
        set nTop to y0 + (irow mod maxRows) * (verticalSpacing + nWindowHeight)
        --display dialog "Top: " & nTop buttons {"OK"} default button 1
        repeat with icolumn from 0 to nColumns - 1
            set nLeft to x0 + (icolumn) * (horizontalSpacing + nWindowWidth)
            set itile to {¬
                nLeft, ¬
                nTop, ¬
                nLeft + nWindowWidth, ¬
                nTop + nWindowHeight}
            set end of ret to itile
            --display dialog item 3 of itile as string
            --set itile to {x0 + (icolumn - 1) * wgrid, y0, wgrid, hgrid}
            --set item 3 of itile to ((item 1 of itile) + (item 3 of itile))
            --set item 4 of itile to ((item 2 of itile) + (item 4 of itile))
        end repeat
    end repeat

    return ret
end calTileBounds

on getFrntApp()
    tell application "System Events" to set frntProc to ¬
        name of every process whose frontmost is true and visible ≠ false
    return frntProc
end getFrntApp

on getUserScreen()
    -- size of the menubar
    tell application "System Events"
        set {menuBarWidth, menuBarHeight} to size of UI element 1 of application process "SystemUIServer"
        --display dialog "Menubar width: " & menubarWidth & ", height: " & menubarHeight
        set dockApp to (application process "Dock")
        set {dockWidth, dockHeight} to size of UI element 1 of dockApp
        --display dialog "Dock width: " & dockWidth & ", height: " & dockHeight
        set dockPos to position of UI element 1 of dockApp
        --display dialog "Dock x: " & (item 1 of dockPos) & ", y: " & (item 2 of dockPos)
    end tell

    -- size of the full screen
   {word 3 of (do shell script "defaults read /Library/Preferences/com.apple.windowserver | grep -w Width") as number, ¬
       word 3 of (do shell script "defaults read /Library/Preferences/com.apple.windowserver | grep -w Height") as number}
    tell application "Finder"
        set screenSize to bounds of window of desktop
        set screenWidth to item 3 of screenSize
        set screenHeight to item 4 of screenSize
    end tell
    --display dialog "Screen width: " & screenWidth & ", height: " & screenHeight

    -- by default, set the available screen size to the full screen size
    set availableWidth to screenWidth
    set availableHeight to screenHeight - menuBarHeight
    set availableX to 0
    set availableY to menuBarHeight

    --determine the userscreen origin and size

    -- case 0: hidden dock
    -- if (item 1 of dockPos < 0 or item 1 of dockPos ≥ screenHeight) then
    -- no need to change anything
    -- end if

    -- case 1: bottom dock
    if ((item 2 of dockPos) + dockHeight = screenHeight) then
        set availableHeight to availableHeight - dockHeight
    end if

    -- case 2: left dock
    if (item 1 of dockPos = 0) then
        set availableWidth to availableWidth - dockWidth
        set availableX to dockWidth
    end if

    -- case 3: right dock
    if ((item 1 of dockPos) + dockWidth = screenWidth) then
        set availableWidth to availableWidth - dockWidth
    end if

    return {availableX, availableY, availableWidth, availableHeight}
end getUserScreen

资源: MacScripter通过Google

从我所看到和听到的 肚带 是将Windows 7的窗口管理带到Mac OS X的好应用。

首先,如果免费对您很重要,请获得 接班。

如果鼠标的便利对您来说很重要,请抓住。它在Mac App Store中。

最后,如果您有MacBook或Magic Trackpad,请进行Jitouch。它将使您可以为许多事情分配手势。其中之一是全屏,半左,半右。认真检查一下是否喜欢手势。就像拥有带有100个按钮的鼠标一样。jitouch




enter image description here


据我了解,您想 屏幕边缘的窗口,使窗口的侧面直接在屏幕的边缘。现在可以在Macos Sierra(10.12)本地使用。


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