I have a grid with a checkbox selection model.

Ext.define('Mb.view.ship.OrdersGrid', {
    extend: 'Ext.grid.Panel',
    selType: 'checkboxmodel',
    selModel: {
        injectCheckbox: 0,
        pruneRemoved: false

There are some rows that shold not be selectable, based on a value in a field.

In a normal column, I can intervene in the display with renderer and hide the cell content with css (metadata.tdCls), but for the auto generated checkbox column, I cannot find a method to disable or hide the checkbox on a row basis.

Does anyone have an idea how to do this ?



You simply use the beforeselect event of the grid. Returning false, will not allow the selection. Check the documentation.

Ext.define('Mb.view.ship.OrdersGrid', {
    extend: 'Ext.grid.Panel',
    selType: 'checkboxmodel',
    selModel: {
        injectCheckbox: 0,
        pruneRemoved: false

    listeners: {

        beforeselect: function(grid, record, index, eOpts) {
            if (record.get('yourProperty')) {//replace this with your logic.
                return false;


If you really want to hide the checkbox, you could add CSS classes for your grid rows, and using them you could may be hide them. Check this answer for a solution.


In ExtJS 6 overriding renderer will not work.

You can get around that by defining viewConfig with getRowClass:

            getRowClass: function(record) {
                var classes = '';
                if (!record.get('available')) {
                    classes += ' selection-disabled';
                return classes;

Then in your CSS add this:

.selection-disabled .x-selmodel-column {
    visibility: hidden;

That will hide selection checkbox.

Now to disable selection by clicking on a row use the standard method. I.e. add a beforeselect to listeners to selModel:

        selModel: {
            selType: 'checkboxmodel',
            showHeaderCheckbox: false,
            listeners: {
                beforeselect: function(grid, record) {
                    if (!record.get('available')) {
                        return false;

CheckboxSelectionModel also has a renderer.

var sm = new Ext.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel({
        checkOnly : true,
        renderer : function(v,p,record) {
        // First condition : show
        if (record.data.XXX == 'YYYY') return '<div class="x-grid3-row-checker">&nbsp;</div>';
        // else hide 
        else return '';
    header: ''


Returning empty '' also disables checkbox selection, not only by hiding it but also adding unselectable="on" to the parent div.

Don't know about doing it inside an Ext.define (never had the need to extend) , but seems feasible.

UPDATE: Despite having unselectable="on", clicking on the row (if enabled), or using the header checkbox (select-all) will select "disabled" rows. It may be a good idea to implement a listener then.

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