我已经与第三方零售商创建了API集成。我创造了自己的 Mage::dispatchEvent 通信之前和之后的呼叫。我主要将它们用于记录/调试模式,但是现在我有机会使用它们从另一个也将使用此API的另一个相关模块中操纵数据。

在下面的示例中,可以操纵 $post_string 在本地范围内,根据我的观察者可能会做什么?

Mage::dispatchEvent('my_api_delete_before', array('post_string'=>$post_string, 'my_cart'=>$this));

$result = $this->doApiCommunication($post_string);

Mage::dispatchEvent('my_api_delete_after', array('post_string'=>$post_string, 'result'=>$result, 'product'=>$product, 'cart_item_id'=>$_item->cartItemId));


如果 $post_string 是一个字符串,然后否。在观察者类中进行的更改将在此范围中显示,因为字符串不会参考函数传递。



PHP确实通过添加一个来引用该函数的字符串来通过添加一个 & 在变量名称之前,像这样:

Mage::dispatchEvent('my_api_delete_before', array('post_string'=>&$post_string, 'my_cart'=>$this));

但是不建议这样做的原因 @dedmeet 在他的 评论:


直接来自 PHP手册:

笔记: 函数调用上没有参考符号 - 仅在函数定义上。仅函数定义就足以通过参考正确地传递参数。截至5.3.0 php,您将收到警告,说您使用&在foo(&$ a);中时会弃用“逐个通行时间”。从php 5.4.0 php,逐渐通过引用删除,因此使用它会引起致命错误。



一个更好的解决方案是创建一个 Varien_Object 因为课程总是通过引用传递。以及任何扩展的班级 Varien_ObjectVarien_Object 本身,可以使您能够使用围绕曼根托发现的Getters和Setters。

$obj = new Varien_Object();

// Set a value for data variable

// The previous function is the same as the following:
// In fact, the previous function will call setData with 'foo' and $bar as its paramteres
$obj->setData('foo', $bar);

// To get the value of 'foo' you will need to call any of the following functions:


因此要实施 Varien_object 在OP的示例中:

class Foo_Bar_Model_Communicator{

    public function someFunction(){
         * Assuming that $post_string is getting set here somehow
         * before the next line.
        $eventData = new Varien_Data();

        $eventData->setData('post_string', $post_string);   
        $eventData->setData('cart', $this); 

        Mage::dispatchEvent('my_api_delete_before', array('event_data'=>$eventData));

        /* In this case, since we sent a Varien_Object as parameter,
         * whatever the Observer class does to the object, will be reflected
         * here as well.
         * We only need to make sure that we get the string back from the
         * Varien_Object instead of using $post_string.
        $new_post_string = $eventData->getData('post_string');

        $result = $this->doApiCommunication($new_post_string);

         * We can do the same for the parameters for the next event, but it
         * wasn't part of the OP's question and it won't be needed since
         * there is no code following the dispatch event.
         * However it would be a better idea to make the "before" & "after"
         * events have the same type of parameters which would be less 
         * confusing later on.

        Mage::dispatchEvent('my_api_delete_after', array('post_string'=>$post_string, 'result'=>$result, 'product'=>$product, 'cart_item_id'=>$_item->cartItemId));
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