What is the right way to handle the Page Objects model for writing Protractor E2E testing for AngularJS? I feel like I should write them in separate files (like homepage.js, page2.js, etc) then include somehow them into the specs like modules as need. However, I don't know how to inject them. Would appreciate any suggestions. Thanks!



Keep them in separate files, and use Node's require to pull in any helpers or page objects you need. Check out this super simple example: https://github.com/juliemr/ng-page-e2e/blob/master/test/angularsite_test.js#L2


Have you tried with astrolabe? It's a PageObject implementation on top of Protractor that could guide your structure: https://github.com/stuplum/astrolabe

There you can see that the recommended structure is one page object per file.

E.g.: singInPage.js

var Page = require('astrolabe').Page;

module.exports = Page.create({

   url: { value: 'http://<somesite>.com/signin' },

   username: { get: function() { return this.findElement(this.by.input('username')); } }, // finds an input element with the name 'username'
   submit:   { get: function() { return this.findElement(this.by.id('submit')); } }       // finds an element with the id 'submit'

it makes the writing of test cases and even page object very compact and readable.

You should keep them in separate files, yes.

And in your protractor referenceConf.js (config to launch protractor with) you should write:

specs: ['<your_path>/test/pages/*Test.js']

In this case< protractor will launch all files from dir "/test/pages" with mask *Test.js (loginPageTest.js, homePageTest.js)

I'm afraid that there's no common standards when it comes to testing with page objects. You could find several proposals among protractor's issues: https://github.com/angular/protractor/issues/401 and https://github.com/angular/protractor/issues/78

For my needs I created very simple page objects in my open source project, see: https://github.com/9ci/angle-grinder/pull/124

Also quite interesting implementation you could find in https://github.com/juliemr/ng-page-e2e/tree/master/test

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