I have a batch file that needs to look through a csv and find one line based on a unique string, that is a variable mixture of letters and numbers, that should be input by the user (most likely scanned by a barcode).

The current csv set up is as per below:


These are headings and aren't the actual data. The variable that will be searched for is the WorkstationID. Any suggestion is much appreciated.

My entire code is below:

@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
Echo What is the students computer name?
set /p computerid=
findstr /i "%computerid%" "AccessElevations.csv" > %temp%\computer.txt
FOR /F "tokens=1-6 delims=," %%a in (%temp%\computer.txt) DO (
set school=%%a
set Model=%%c
set Serial=%%d
set user=%%e
set access=%%f




解决方案 3

I was able to fix this issue in the end thank you everyone for your help though. I fixed it by changing the format to .txt of the accesselevations.csv file.


If this deosn't help then please explain what problem you are having and what the error message is.

@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
Echo What is the students computer name?
set /p computerid=
findstr /i "%computerid%" "AccessElevations.csv" > "%temp%\computer.txt"
FOR /F "usebackq tokens=1-6 delims=," %%a in ("%temp%\computer.txt") DO (
   set school=%%a
   set Model=%%c
   set Serial=%%d
   set user=%%e
   set access=%%f

EDITED - To adapt to comments

@echo off
    setlocal enableextensions disabledelayedexpansion
    set "inputFile=AccessElevations.csv"
    set "computerID="
    set /p "computerID=What is the students computer name? "
    if not "%computerID%"=="" for /f "tokens=1-6 delims=," %%a in (
        'findstr.exe /i /r /c:"^[^,]*,%computerID%," "%inputFile%"'
    ) do (
        set "school=%%a"
        set "model=%%c"
        set "serial=%%d"
        set "user=%%e"
        set "access=%%f"

    echo school : %school%
    echo model  : %model%
    echo serial : %serial%
    echo user   : %user%
    echo access : %access%

    rem clean

If a computerID is provided, findstr is used to find this computerID in the second field (skip the line until the first comma, then the computerID, then a comma) of the indicated file. If a line is found, for command will split it using a comma as a delimiter.

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