I hope you can help me again, thanks already for pointing me to the right direction with creating the check digit for the new IBAN in Germany. I am now trying to update our membership database with the newly calculated BIC and IBAN but seem to have a problem with the UPDATE statement on the MariaDB MySQL database, despite the fact that I think I got the syntax right.

All I am trying to do is set the two fields "konto_bic" and "konto_iban" in the table "mitglieder" from the SELECT statement which creates a temporary table called b with the columns "id", "bic" and "iban". The "id" is the same in the two tables.

Here is my first try:

update a
set a.`konto_bic` = b.`BIC`, a.`konto_iban` = b.`IBAN`
from `mitglieder` a
INNER JOIN (SELECT m.`id`, m.`nachname`, m.`vorname`, m.`konto_bank`, m.`konto_blz`, m.`konto_nummer`, k.`bic` AS 'BIC', CONCAT('DE',LPAD(98-MOD(CONVERT(CONCAT(m.`konto_blz`,LPAD(m.`konto_nummer`,10,'0'),'1314','00'), decimal(24)),97),2,'0'),m.`konto_blz`,LPAD(m.`konto_nummer`,10,'0')) AS 'IBAN'
FROM `mitglieder` m
LEFT JOIN `konvert_bic_blz` k
ON m.`konto_blz` = k.`blz`
ORDER BY m.`nachname`, m.`vorname`) b
ON a.`id` = b.`id`

However, this produced an error and I tried this instead:

update `mitglieder` a
set a.`konto_bic` = b.`bic`, a.`konto_iban` = b.`iban`
FROM (SELECT m.`id` as 'id', k.`bic` as 'bic', CONCAT('DE',LPAD(98-MOD(CONVERT(CONCAT(m.`konto_blz`,LPAD(m.`konto_nummer`,10,'0'),'1314','00'), decimal(24)),97),2,'0'),m.`konto_blz`,LPAD(m.`konto_nummer`,10,'0')) AS 'iban'
FROM `mitglieder` m
LEFT JOIN `konvert_bic_blz` k
ON m.`konto_blz` = k.`blz`) b
WHERE a.`id` = b.`id`

That also did not get me any further (error from DB).

Can anyone see what my syntax error might be? Thank you in advance for your help




Try below SQL

UPDATE `mitglieder` a,
       (SELECT m.`id` AS 'id',
               k.`bic` AS 'bic',
               CONCAT('DE',LPAD(98-MOD(CONVERT(CONCAT(m.`konto_blz`,LPAD(m.`konto_nummer`,10,'0'),'1314','00'), decimal(24)),97),2,'0'),m.`konto_blz`,LPAD(m.`konto_nummer`,10,'0')) AS 'iban'
        FROM `mitglieder` m
        LEFT JOIN `konvert_bic_blz` k ON m.`konto_blz` = k.`blz`) b
SET a.`konto_bic` = b.`bic`, a.`konto_iban` = b.`iban`
WHERE a.`id` = b.`id`




I tried this on MariaDB 10.2.6 :

SET sql_mode = 'ANSI_QUOTES'

UPDATE "test"."user" AS "a"
INNER JOIN "test"."user_profile" AS "c" ON "c".user_id = "a".id
INNER JOIN "test"."profile" AS "d" ON "d".id = "c".profile_id
SET "a".firstname = 'laurent'
WHERE "a".id = 3;

And it works :)

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