How to reference another instance of the same class? None of them have any names, as they are generated through code. A random amount of instances are generated each time. I need to compare them. Thanks.

This is the code I have on the timeline (which generates the instances).

var minLimit:uint = 1;
var maxLimit:uint = 10;
var range:uint = maxLimit - minLimit;
var p:Number = Math.ceil(Math.random()*range) + minLimit;

for (p; p <= maxLimit; p += 1)
    var myCell:Cell = new Cell();
    var xminLimit:uint = 100;
    var xmaxLimit:uint = 300;
    var xrange:uint = xmaxLimit - xminLimit;
    var xp:Number = Math.ceil(Math.random()*xrange) + xminLimit;
    myCell.x = xp
    myCell.y = xp
    myCell.scaleX = 3
    myCell.scaleY = 3        


var listOfCells:Array = new Array();

for (var i:int =0; i < (root as MovieClip).numChildren; i++)
    listOfCells.push((root as MovieClip).getChildAt(i));


var len:int = listOfCells.length;
for (var j:int =0; j < len; j++)

trace("Cells on stage: " + Cell.count);

The game cenerates a random number of cells. In order to code so they sometimes go closer and inspect each other, I need to know how to compare them. Example, code I could put in the class - like: If this.x < OTHER(of the same class).x So I can compare two different instances within the same class.



To compare the cells and have them move towards each other if they are below 200px apart (for example):

var maxDistance: Number = 200;
var minDistance: Number = 20;

var len:int = listOfCells.length;
for (var j:int =0; j < len; j++)
    var cell: Cell = listOfCells[j];
    for(var k:int = 0; k < len; k++)
        var cellToCompare = listOfCells[k];
        if(cellToCompare != cell) {
            var dx: Number = cellToCompare.x - cell.x;
            var dy: Number = cellToCompare.y - cell.y;
            var distance : Number = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
            if(distance < maxDistance && distance > minDistance) {
                cell.x = cell.x + dx * 0.1;
                cell.y = cell.y + dy * 0.1;

Also to be sure the array only contains Cell instances, use the 'is' operator:

var listOfCells:Array = new Array();
for (var i:int =0; i < (root as MovieClip).numChildren; i++)
    var child: DisplayObject = (root as MovieClip).getChildAt(i);
    if(child is Cell) {
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