I'm busy with an invoice project in CakePHP. I've set my related tables in the models, but somehow it's not forwarding to the view.

These are my models:

Invoice Model

class Invoice extends AppModel {

    public $hasOne  = array(
        'Customer' => array(
            'className'    => 'Customer',
            'foreignKey'   => 'id'
        'Project' => array(
            'className'    => 'Project',
            'foreignKey'   => 'id'


Project Model

class Project extends AppModel {

    public $hasOne  = array(
        'Customer' => array(
            'className'    => 'Customer',
            'foreignKey'   => 'id'

    public $hasMany = array(    
        'Invoice' => array(
            'className'    => 'Invoice',
            'foreignKey'   => 'project_id'

Customer Model

class Customer extends AppModel {

    public $virtualFields = array(
        'full_name' => 'CONCAT(Customer.frontname, " ", Customer.lastname)',
        'display_name' => 'IF(Customer.company > " ", Customer.company, CONCAT(Customer.frontname, " ", Customer.lastname))',

    public $hasMany = array(        
        'Project' => array(
            'className' => 'Project',
            'foreignKey' => 'customer_id',
        'Invoice' => array(
            'className' => 'Invoice',
            'foreignKey' => 'customer_id',

And the view:

foreach($invoices as $invoice){

        <td><?php echo $invoice['Customer']['display_name']; ?></td>    
        <td><?php echo $invoice['Project']['project_name']; ?></td>

Here is my controller:

class InvoicesController extends AppController {

    public $helpers = array('Status');

    public function index() {
        $uid = $this->Auth->user('cloud_id');
        $this->set('uid', $uid);

        $allInvoices = $this->Invoice->find('all', array(
            'conditions' => array(
                    'Invoice.cloud_id' => $this->Auth->user('cloud_id'),

        $this->set('invoices', $allInvoices);

If I print an Invoice, I can see the related fields, but the values are empty. Like so:

    [Invoice] => Array
            [id] => 143
            [cloud_id] => 1
            [invoice_number] => 143
            [customer_id] => 2
            [date] => 2013-08-17
            [period] => 30
            [project_id] => 1
            [status] => 1
            [notes] => 
            [secret] => df56cd45ea7cb086458cc5c3480f77c386647a86

    [Customer] => Array
            [id] => 
            [cloud_id] => 
            [company] => 
            [frontname] => 
            [lastname] => 
            [address] => 

But if I change the foreign keys in the models, I get an error that the column doesn't exists.

What is going wrong here?

Thank you in advance.



Instead of HasOne association try to use BelongsTo,

class Invoice extends AppModel {

    public $belongsTo  = array(
        'Customer' => array(
            'className'    => 'Customer',
            'foreignKey'   => 'customer_id'


Do not bind your tables as you are doing in the above code! These relationships are not correct and could be difficult to understand.

Here is one solution

Step 1: create one function in Invoice model, lets say getData()

Step 2: inside that function write below code with small edits like in fields array...

$options = array(
            'conditions' => array('Invoice.cloud_id' => $this->Auth->user('cloud_id')),
            'joins' => array(
                    'alias' => 'Customer',  
                    'table' => 'customers',
                    'type' => 'LEFT',
                    'conditions' => array(
                        'Customer.id = Invoice.id',
                    'alias' => 'Project',  
                    'table' => 'projects',
                    'type' => 'LEFT',
                    'conditions' => array(
                        'Project.id = Invoice.id',
            'fields' => array('PUT DESIRED FIELDS COMMA SEPERATED')
   $returnData = $this->find('all',$options);

Step 3: execute your code, it will result data.

Hope it will solve your problem.

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