In my first page I show a command button which loads a treetable.

The treetable is displayed but expand node is not working.

I am using primefaces 4.0, jsf 2.2

Here is my code,

First page backing bean

public class AjaxLoadBean {
private boolean show;
private String currentPage;

public boolean isShow() {
    return show;

public void setShow(boolean show) { = show;

public String getCurrentPage() {
    return currentPage;

public void setCurrentPage(String currentPage) {
    this.currentPage = currentPage;

public void newPage() {
    show = true;
    currentPage = "treeTable.xhtml";

first page

<html xmlns=""

    <p:commandButton value="Show" actionListener="#{loadBean.newPage}"
        update=":content" />

<h:panelGroup id="content">
    <h:panelGroup rendered="#{}">
        <ui:include src="#{loadBean.currentPage}"></ui:include>


I stripped the ui:composition tag,

<h:form styleClass="form-horizontal">
<p:treeTable value="#{treeTableBean.root}" var="dataElement"
<p:column headerText="No.">
    <h:outputText value="#{}" />

<p:column headerText="Name">
    <h:outputText value="#{}" />

<p:column headerText="select">
    <p:selectBooleanCheckbox value="#{}" />


public class TreeTableBean implements Serializable{
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private TreeNode root;

public TreeTableBean() {
    root = new DefaultTreeNode("root", null);

    new DefaultTreeNode(new TreeTableData(2, "N2", true), root);
    new DefaultTreeNode(new TreeTableData(3, "N3", true), root);
    new DefaultTreeNode(new TreeTableData(4, "N4", true), root);

    TreeNode subNode = new DefaultTreeNode(new TreeTableData(5, "N5", true), root);
    new DefaultTreeNode(new TreeTableData(1, "N5.1", true), subNode);
    new DefaultTreeNode(new TreeTableData(2, "N5.2", false), subNode);

public TreeNode getRoot() {
    return root;


I changed both the beans to ViewScoped and it is working.

Viewscoped is the minimum that is needed to support ajax calls in components like datatable, tree, etc

I posted in primefaces forums and got that info.


I also had this issue. I did resolve with steps below: Step 1: move your XHTML files into webcontent folder. Step 2: Since all the files in webcontent are allowed for public access, you need to add the below entry in web.xml for security reason.

Please follow the link for security restrictions: JSF 2: Composite components inside WEB-INF

Without any api library simple solution code here. Using JSF 2.X, Facelets recursive ui:include ...

Main page code is file name : WHPlaceResults.xhtml

<ui:composition template="/Templates/frm.xhtml" xmlns="" xmlns:jsp="" version="2.0" xmlns:h="" xmlns:f="" xmlns:ui="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:fn="" xmlns:a4j="" xmlns:rich="" xmlns:p="">
<ui:define name="FRM_NW">
    <!-- TODO -->
<ui:define name="FRM_NC">
    <!-- TODO -->
<ui:define name="FRM_C">
    <!-- TODO -->
    <a4j:outputPanel rendered="#{WHMBean.places.hasResults}" layout="block">
        <table width="100%" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="1" class="res">
            <ui:fragment rendered="#{WHMBean.placeSearcher.viewAsIsTREE}">
                <tr class="hdr">
                    <td width="25"></td>
                        <h:outputText value="#{cmn['']}" />
                    <td width="125">
                        <h:outputText value="#{cmn['lbl.status']}" />
                    <td width="125">
                        <h:outputText value="#{cmn['']}" />
                <c:forEach items="#{CoreMBeanUtilities.getWHPlaces(WHMBean.placeSearcher.statusType, null)}" var="entity">
                    <tr class="row">
                            <h:outputText value="#{WHMBean.places.pager.offset + rowKey + 1}" title="#{}" />
                        <td style="text-align: left">
                            <a4j:commandLink value="#{entity.shorTitle}" />
                            <h:outputText value="#{cmn[entity.statusTypeBundle]}" />
                            <h:outputText value="#{entity.regDate}">
                                <f:convertDateTime timeZone="#{CoreMBeanUtilities.systemTimeZone}" pattern="#{CoreMBeanUtilities.datePatternResults}" />
                    <ui:include src="#{entity.pageTreeRecurs}">
                        <ui:param name="lvl" value="#{1}" />
                        <ui:param name="parent" value="#{entity}" />
            <ui:fragment rendered="#{WHMBean.placeSearcher.viewAsIsTABLE}">
                <!-- TODO -->
    <a4j:outputPanel rendered="#{!WHMBean.places.hasResults}" layout="block" styleClass="frm_info">
        <h:outputText value="#{WHMBean.placeSearcher.hasConditions?cmn['msg.res.none.conditions']:core['']}" />
<ui:define name="FRM_SW">
    <!-- TODO -->
<ui:define name="FRM_SC">
    <!-- TODO -->
<ui:define name="FRM_SE">
    <!-- TODO -->

Included Recursive page code is file name : WHPlaceRecursiveResults.xhtml

<ui:composition xmlns="" xmlns:jsp="" version="2.0" xmlns:h="" xmlns:f="" xmlns:ui="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:fn="" xmlns:a4j="" xmlns:rich="" xmlns:p="">
<c:forEach items="#{parent.childrens}" var="child">
    <tr class="row">
        <td />
        <td style="text-align: left; padding-left: #{lvl*20}px">
            <a4j:commandLink value="#{child.shorTitle}" action="#{WHMBean.doPlaceDetails(child)}" render="NAV, ACTION, PAGE" status="CMN" execute="@this" />
            <h:outputText value="#{cmn[child.statusTypeBundle]}" />
            <h:outputText value="#{child.regDate}">
                <f:convertDateTime timeZone="#{CoreMBeanUtilities.systemTimeZone}" pattern="#{CoreMBeanUtilities.datePatternResults}" />
    <ui:include src="#{child.getHasChildrens() ? 'WHPlaceRecResults.xhtml' : '../../../CMN/none.xhtml'}">
        <ui:param name="lvl" value="#{lvl+1}" />
        <ui:param name="parent" value="#{child}" />

Example Here

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