I am displaying internationalized strings within a Polymer element as follows:

  <span class="title">{{title}}</span>
  <span class="subtitle">{{subtitle1}}</span>
  <span class="content">{{paragraph1}}</span>
  <span class="subtitle">{{subtitle2}}</span>
  <span class="content">{{paragraph2}}</span>

... and have the following dart code:

@observable String title;
@observable String subtitle1;
@observable String paragraph1;
@observable String subtitle2;
@observable String paragraph2;


void onUpdateLocale(_locale) {
  title = getTitle();
  subtitle1 = getSubtitle1();
  paragraph1 = getParagraph1();
  subtitle2 = getSubtitle2();
  paragraph2 = getParagraph2();


getTitle() => Intl.message('MY TITLE', name:'title',
    desc: 'This is my title',
    args: [],
    examples: {'None' : 0});
getSubtitle1() => Intl.message('Subtitle 1', name:'subtitle1',
    desc: 'This is my first subtitle',
    args: [],
    examples: {'None' : 0});
getParagraph1() => Intl.message('This is my first paragraph',
    desc: 'This is the my first paragraph',
    args: [],
    examples: {'None' : 0});
getSubtitle2() => Intl.message('Subtitle 2', name:'subtitle1',
    desc: 'This is my second subtitle',
    args: [],
    examples: {'None' : 0});
getParagraph2() => Intl.message('This is my second paragraph',
    desc: 'This is the my second paragraph',
    args: [],
    examples: {'None' : 0});

Is there a way to combine title, subtitle1, paragraph1, subtitle2, and paragraph2 into one observable variable that includes the <br> and <span> tags in its value?




A ready-to-use element for Dart Polymer 1.0 is bwu-bind-html


Polymer now provides support for this out of the box

 this.injectBoundHTML('<div>your HTML goes here ${someBoundFieldValue}</div>);


This is the code of the <safe-html> tag I'm using.

library safe_html;

import 'dart:async';
import "dart:html";

import "package:polymer/polymer.dart";

class SafeHtml extends PolymerElement  {

  @published String model;

  NodeValidator nodeValidator;
  bool get applyAuthorStyles => true;
  bool isInitialized = false;

  SafeHtml.created() : super.created() {
    nodeValidator = new NodeValidatorBuilder()

  void modelChanded(old) {
    if(isInitialized) {

  void _addFragment() {
    var fragment = new DocumentFragment.html(model, validator: nodeValidator);


  void attached() {
    Timer.run(() {
      isInitialized = true;
<!DOCTYPE html>

<polymer-element name="safe-html"> 
    <div id="container"></div>

  <script type="application/dart" src='safe_html.dart'></script>



<safe-html model="{{someField}}></safe-html>
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