The following code assigns the Microphone.png image to image of button but I failed to understand the role of relative parameter in overloaded version of Uri class.

RecordButton.IconUri = new Uri(
    "/Assets/AppBar/microphone.png", UriKind.Relative);


Exemple : Relative => You should be in the same folder. Folder 1 contains one page " page 1 " and an image "X" Folder 2 contains one page " page 2 "

You are in the page 2 and you write =>

<image source="X.png" /> 

You can't do this because you are not in the correct folder but you can write "/Folder1/X.png" or "../Folder1/X.png".

Absolute => Full path like

For windows phone developpement, you have uriking.relativeorabsolute property :D


URIKind.Relative means that you don't have a full path to the file. Absolute means that you will specify full path to the file.

I've used relative Uris with the Uri constructor

public Uri(
    Uri baseUri,
    Uri relativeUri

to create a fully pathed URI. There are some advantages in reducing storage overhead and you can interchange the baseUri even across protocols if I remember correctly.

Absolute URIs are characterized by a complete reference to the resource


While a relative Uri depends on a previously defined base URI

example: /index.html

Check out this UriKind.Relative

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