I am creating a C# Windows registration form, this means that a user have to enter his username, password and other particulars in order to sign up for an account.

So I used the "Validating" event with two "ErrorProviders" for each textbox to validate the textboxes (one for error, one for ok), to ensure that the username is at least 5 characters long, password at least consisting of 1 upper case, 1 lower case, etc, email format is correct... you get the idea.

The following is one of the validating code for my username textbox:

private void usrTxtBox_Validating(object sender, CancelEventArgs e)
    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(usrTxtBox.Text))
        usrError.SetError(usrTxtBox, "field required!");
    else if (!Regex.IsMatch(usrTxtBox.Text, "</REGEX PATTERN/>"))
        usrError.SetError(usrTxtBox, "</ERROR MESSAGE/>");
        usrOk.SetError(usrTxtBox, "good to go");
        count = 0;

That is repeated for every single textbox (i have username, password, name, email and contact number, each with a different regex pattern.

So as you all may know, the "Validating" event only validates when the textbox has been "Focused" and then "loses focus". Therefore, when i click "Register" by just correctly entering the required values for the first textbox, count would be equal to 0 and therefore, there would be no error. Code for register button click below:

private void rgstr_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    if (ValidateChildren())
        if (count != 0)
            MessageBox.Show("check again");
        else if (count == 0)
            MessageBox.Show("gd to go");

I tried using ValidateChildren to force validation but it doesn't work. Is there any solutions for this? Or is there an alternate solution for validating my textbox?



Try this pattern for validation

private bool ValidateChildren()
   bool IsValid = true;
   // Clear error provider only once.

   //use if condition for every condtion, dont use else-if
   if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(usrTxtBox.Text.Trim()))
       usrError.SetError(usrTxtBox, "field required!"); 
       IsValid =false;              

   if (!Regex.IsMatch(usrTxtBox.Text, "</REGEX PATTERN/>"))
       usrError.SetError(usrTxtBox, "</ERROR MESSAGE/>");
        IsValid =false; 
    return IsValid ;

and int the button Click:

   private void rgstr_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
      if (ValidateChildren())
          // valid
         //Error will shown respective control with error provider
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