So in my project I am using a showcaseview to create a tutorial for the user. When I point the ShowcaseView to any action bar id, the result is this: enter image description here

My question is is it possible to have the showcaseview target the specific items in the action bar rather than just a general overview like the one shown above. The code is being run in the overridden onCreateOptionsMenu method and is in the context of an activity. Here is the code that I am currently using:

actionBarViews = new ShowcaseViews(activity);
    ShowcaseView.ConfigOptions co = new ShowcaseView.ConfigOptions();
    co.hideOnClickOutside = true;
actionBarViews.addView(new ItemViewProperties(,
            R.string.send_title, R.string.send_tutorial,
            ShowcaseView.ITEM_ACTION_ITEM, 0, co));
actionBarViews.addView(new ItemViewProperties(,
            R.string.tutorial_title, R.string.tutorial_tutorial,
            ShowcaseView.ITEM_ACTION_OVERFLOW, 0, co));;

If it is impossible to currently target actionbaritems, is there another way to go about implementing a tutorial.


解决方案 3

have you tried to use ActionBarSherlock? It supports old compatibility and has quite a lot of available examples.


This may be a little late, but this may be useful for other users who find this thread. I used the following code to highlight my action button with ShowCaseView

        //for action button with id "ACTION_BUTTON_ID"

        ShowcaseView.ConfigOptions co = new ShowcaseView.ConfigOptions();
        co.showcaseId = ShowcaseView.ITEM_ACTION_ITEM;
        co.hideOnClickOutside = true;
        ActionItemTarget target = new ActionItemTarget(this.getActivity(),;
        final ShowcaseView sv = ShowcaseView.insertShowcaseView(target,getActivity(),R.string.instruction_title_text,R.string.instruction_details_text);;

use it like this

new ShowcaseView.Builder(activity)
       // .withMaterialShowcase()
     //  .setStyle(
        .useDecorViewAsParent() //this is the difference

then target your view in action bar

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