I have a screen that uses jQuery tabs and was wondering if somehow I can keep the selected tab after a refresh of the page (JS .reload();)?

Any guidance appreciated.






Example for jquery.cookies.2.2.0.js

$(document).ready(function () {
   var initialTabIndex = 0;
   var jCookies = jQuery.cookies;

   //alert('getting ' + jCookies.get("currentTab"));

   if(jCookies.get("currentTab") != null){
      initialTabIndex = jCookies.get("currentTab");

      activate : function(e, ui) {
         //alert('setting ' + ui.newTab.index());
         jCookies.set("currentTab", ui.newTab.index().toString());
      active : initialTabIndex


While the previous answer using cookies will certainly work, it is probably not the ideal solution given peoples aversions to accepting cookies. (it also means you would need to show a disclaimer on your site stating you use cookies, at least to EU visitors). I'd recommend avoiding using cookies where possible so your site remains functional if cookies are disabled/rejected.

A better way is to use the "hash" on the end of a URL.

Modify your tab links as follows:

<div id="UITabs">
    <li><a href="#Tab1">Tab 1</a></li>
    <li><a href="#Tab2">Tab 2</a></li>
    <li><a href="#Tab3">Tab 3</a></li>
<div id="Tab1"></div>
<div id="Tab2"></div>
<div id="Tab3"></div>

Then in your head, add the following javascript to ensure the hash is set when changing tabs, and get the hash on pageload and display the required tab:

$(document).ready(function () {

    $(function () {

        $("#UITabs").bind("tabsshow", function (event, ui) {
            location.hash = ui.newTab.find('a.ui-tabs-anchor').attr('href');

        $(window).bind('hashchange', function (e) {
            $("#UITabs").tabs("select", location.hash);
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