I have this very simple code which, as far as I can see, I'm using all over my program where it works.

using CompetitionManager.DataAccess;
using GalaSoft.MvvmLight;
using GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Command;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Input;

namespace CompetitionManager.ViewModel.CompetitionSetup
    public class AthleteListViewModel : ViewModelBase
        private Athlete selectedAthlete;

        public ICommand AddAthleteCommand { get; private set; }

        public AthleteListViewModel()
            AddAthleteCommand = new RelayCommand(() => ExecuteAddAthleteCommand());

        public Athlete SelectedAthlete
                return selectedAthlete;
                if (selectedAthlete == value)
                selectedAthlete = value;

        private void ExecuteAddAthleteCommand()
            catch (System.Exception e)

I tried binding the SelectedValue of the ComboBox to SelectedAthlete but nothing happened so I decided to try using the code behind.

If I print out the value of SelectedAthlete as it is being set, i.e. after the selectedAthlete = value line then I get a correct value but when it's time for the ICommand to kick in selectedAthlete has been set to null.

I set the value of SelectedAthlete in the code behind of a user control like so where cbAthlete is a ComboBox.

using CompetitionManager.DataAccess;
using CompetitionManager.ViewModel;
using System.Windows.Controls;

namespace CompetitionManager.View.CompetitionSetup
    public partial class AthleteListView : UserControl
        private ViewModelLocator locator = new ViewModelLocator();

        public AthleteListView()

        private void cbAthlete_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
            locator.AthleteList.SelectedAthlete = (Athlete)cbAthlete.SelectedValue;

Like I said before, I do this in many places in my program and it works fine but in this case there is something I'm not seeing that's wrong. Any help greatly appreciated. If I set the value of selectedAthlete in the constructor then it's not set as null. If I initialize it in the constructor, i.e. selectedAthlete = new Athlete(); then it's the same story.

Any and all help greatly appreciated.



It would help if you posted the XAML, but my guess is you forgot to set the DataContext based on what's posted so far.

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