As continuation of this article Drupal nested / complex / sub content types I have a new question.

As described, using Profile2 and Field collection I've managed to create multi-user CV management system:

  1. Created a content type called CV.
  2. Added a field_collection field to CV called education and allow unlimited entries.
  3. Edited the education field_collection item and add a date field and a text field.
  4. Did the same for work experience and any other fields.

Unfortunately, users should be able to reorder the records (date-text), e.g. to put some of the entries before others. For the moment being they appear in the order of their input.

How to achieve that?

Thank you!



The image below shows a field collection I have made with 3 fields. One the left of each collection item is a drag handle. You can re-order content using these handles.

enter image description here

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