Suppose I have 3 lists: ['q','w'], ['a','s'], ['z','x']. How to get a list of possible combinations out of these lists? So I get a list [['q','a','z'],['q','s','z']] and such. I made a method for two, but can't figure one for N lists:

static <E> ArrayList combine(ArrayList<E> one,ArrayList<E> two)
    ArrayList<ArrayList<E>> combs=new ArrayList<ArrayList<E>>();
    for(E e:one)
        for(E e2:two)
            ArrayList ps=new ArrayList();
    return combs;

I found out that this is done by Guava's Sets.cartesianProduct.


解决方案 2

You need N nested loops, which is what makes it hard.

You can achieve this using recursion though.

static <E> ArrayList combine(ArrayList<E> soFar, ArrayList<E>... lists)
    // Rather than constantly making and remaking this list could just use one
    // and pass it around and add stuff to it. This works though.
    ArrayList<ArrayList<E>> combs=new ArrayList<ArrayList<E>>();

    // Loop through the first list looking for elements
    for(E e:lists[0])
       // Create a new List to build this combination
       ArrayList<E> temp = new ArrayList<>(soFar);
       // Add this element to the combination
       // If there are more lists recurse down
       if (lists.length > 1) {
           // Use recursion to add all combinations of the remaining lists
           combs.addAll(combine(temp, lists.subList(1)));
       } else {
           // There are no more lists so we are done, add temp to the combos
    return combs;

// Call this method to start things going, the other one should probably be private
static <E> ArrayList combine(ArrayList<E>... lists)
    return combine(new ArrayList<E>(), lists);


For the lazy (using Guava):

Set<List<String>> result = Sets.cartesianProduct(
                ImmutableSet.of("q", "w"),
                ImmutableSet.of("a", "s"),
                ImmutableSet.of("z", "x")



[ [q, a, z], [q, a, x], [q, s, z], [q, s, x], [w, a, z], [w, a, x], [w, s, z], [w, s, x] ]

You might want to have a look at the class (a "standalone" class, just copy & insert into your project)

Example usage:

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;

public class Combinations
    public static void main(String[] args)
        List<List<Character>> lists = new ArrayList<List<Character>>();

        MixedRangeCombinationIterable<Character> iterable = 
            new MixedRangeCombinationIterable<Character>(lists);
        for (List<Character> element : iterable)

You are actually computing the elements of the of the input sets

up you can create an inner class with a constructor (Parameters ...) , so you can put a list of this class which handles all the combinations

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