I am having a peculiar problem when using association in Sequelize.

I have two models


rock_id         : { type: DataTypes.BIGINT, allowNull: false, primaryKey: true, autoIncrement: true },
rock_mode_id    : { type: DataTypes.BIGINT },

with associations:

associate: function(models) {
                    rock.hasOne(models.rock_mode, {foreignKey: "rock_mode_id"})

Rock Mode

rock_mode_id    : { type: DataTypes.BIGINT, allowNull: false, primaryKey: true },
rock_mode       : { type: DataTypes.STRING }

with assocations:

associate: function(models) {             
    rock_mode.belongsTo(models.rock, {foreignKey: "rock_mode_id", foreignKeyConstraint:false })

I am attempting to print out Rock with the RockMode but it is seeming to point to the wrong id

Here is the code for the render (in rockString):

    .findAll({include: [db.rock_mode]})
        function(rocks) {
            rockString += "<h2>Rocks</h2>"
            rocks.forEach(function(rock) {
                    rockString += JSON.stringify(rock)



When I see the output:


It seems as if the the "rock_mode_id" of the "rock_mode" is referencing the "rock_id" instead of the "rock_mode_id". Does anyone know why? Is there an issue with my hasOne or belongsTo? Or should I specify a where into the include?

EDIT: EDIT: it IS pointing to the wrong id, here is the resulting SQL

Executing (default): SELECT `rocks`.*, `rock_mode`.`rock_mode_id` AS `rock_mode.rock_mode_id`, `rock_mode`.`rock_mode` AS `rock_mode.rock_mode` FROM `rocks` LEFT OUTER JOIN `rock_modes` AS `rock_mode` ON `rocks`.`rock_id` = `rock_mode`.`rock_mode_id`;

Here's the problem:

LEFT OUTER JOIN `rock_modes` AS `rock_mode` ON `rocks`.`rock_id`=`rock_mode`.`rock_mode_id`;

This should say

 ON `rocks`.`rock_mode_id`=`rock_mode`.`rock_mode_id`;


As answered on GitHub you need to invert your association. For your schema Rock belongsTo RockMode, it does not have one, since the foreignKey is on Rock.

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