We have a SQL Server 2008 Database table: Companies

Company names can be complex like St. Charles Ltd / Hospice Center

If the name provided meets both criteria:

  • consists of 3 or more words
  • at least three words are 4 characters are longer

Then the name will get cleansed, and passed to my SQL SP.

Cleansing the name involves removing non-alpha characters, and also abbreviations such as INC,CORP,LTD,LLC,CO,etc..

Using the example above, my SP would then receive: Charles Hospice Center

My Goal is to use SQL to return any records that match

Charles Center
Center Hospice
Hospice Charles
Charles Hospice
Hospice Center

I could manually split each word out.....

WHERE Name like '%Charles%Center%' or 
      Name like '%Center%Charles%' or
      Name like '%Hospice%Charles%' 
   etc.. etc.. etc..

But if 4 words are provided, then I'm writing out 24 combinations... and thought there might be an easier method, or even a SQL function already available for something like this?

** EDIT **

Full Text Search (from some online reading) appears to a great solutions. I'm just not certain of how to specify 2 of X words must match... or really how to use it correctly. Examples would be great!



You can use string function like

where (CHARINDEX('Charles', Name) > 0 and CHARINDEX('Center', Name) > 0)
(CHARINDEX('Hospice', Name) > 0 and CHARINDEX('Center', Name) > 0)
(CHARINDEX('Hospice', Name) > 0 and CHARINDEX('Charles', Name) > 0)


As suggested by @gordon you can use Fulltext search.

Use CONTAINS (Transact-SQL) like

where contains(Name,' Charles AND Center ')
contains(Name,' Charles AND Hospice ')
contains(Name,' Hospice AND Center ')


Use FREETEXT (Transact-SQL) like

where FREETEXT(Name,' "Charles and Center')
    FREETEXT(Name,' Charles AND Hospice ')
    FREETEXT(Name,' Hospice AND Center ')

In both cases of contains and freetext it assumes your Name column is full-text indexed.

Hope this helps.

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