my app has been rejected due to iCloud Storage Restrictions. (2.23). There are lots of questions for this situation, but i am still not sure why my app has been rejected.. Here are my suspects:

1- My app downloads pdf files and images for letting users see on "offline" mode when a user selects a row from a tableview. I've set my download folder as "Documents/privateDownloads" and set the folder (and files inside) url flags as "do not backup"

2- My app also has a 2Mb. "preload.json" file, which my app reads the file at first launch and preloads into the database only at first launch (with a progress hud showing the progress of importing data). I haven't set the "preload.json" file as "do not backup".I just drag dropped the file into "Supporting Files" group in Xcode.

My guess is the problem lies in the 2nd suspect, but i've also read that i should move the "privateDownloads" folder into "Application Support" Folder instead of Documents folder.

i always stored my offline files on nsurl cache for a very long time (technically forever), but this time i've decided to do like this.

thanks for reading and helping.

Edit: there is a note from app store for rejection reason:

"In particular, we found that on launch and/or content download, your app stores 3.6MB"

When i control this issue, this is happening after my application "preloads" the data. But what i really don't get it is, i am storing this preloaded data in core data. So yes, i want this data to be backed up in iCloud?!



To solve the issue of your seed data being too large, you might split your Core Data stack in two separate stores - one which stores the user data and is backed up to iCloud. And a second one which stores the seeded data imported from your JSON. This store could then be excluded from iCloud backup via the "do not backup"-flags.

Another recommended way would be to ship a pre-populated store like described in this article on Since you mentioned your preload.json is several MB, this would be even more desirable to pre-generate the store once than on every device on initial app startup. And you could apply the required file attributes for not backing it up more easily.


The issue won't have anything to do with your preload.json file. If that's included in your app distribution, it is part of the app and you don't need to do anything different with it.

I would suspect that the reviewer didn't notice you were setting the 'do not backup' flag on files you've added to the Documents/privateDownloads folder, or that you have a bug and the flag isn't being set at all. It is safer, if you're able, to store those kinds of files in a /Library/Caches sub directory. Then you don't need to worry about the flag.

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