I can't seem to get images to display in a gridview from the picture library using the UriSource binding

Here is the XAML binding:

                    <Border Background="{ThemeResource ListViewItemPlaceholderBackgroundThemeBrush}">
                        <Image Stretch="UniformToFill">
                                <BitmapImage UriSource="{Binding Path=ImageUri}" DecodePixelWidth="200"  />

and this is an example URI that I am feeding into it:

{C:\Users\Name\Pictures\Desktop Wallpapers\35bd31e7-5e4d-43c4-b704-136ee0b5b705.jpg}



You can't pass an absolute path in Windows 8 store apps. Try to load your picture into a stream such as FileRandomAccessStream using FileOpenPicker Create a BitmapImage and set the stream as source for the bitmap image and assign it as image source to your image control.

BitmapImage bitmapImage = new BitmapImage();
if (file != null)
    FileRandomAccessStream stream = (FileRandomAccessStream)await file.OpenAsync(FileAccessMode.Read);

ImageUri = bitmapImage;
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