I am developing an application to send mails using Amazon SES service. I have verified my gmail account and have been able to send mails to gmail accounts, some yahoo mail ids and a few another domains without being marked as spam. However, when I send it to windows live account it is marked as spam. I even tried verifying my hotmail account and sending to the same using AWS::SES.

Can someone please suggest a way to guarantee a good delivery for my mails?

Thanks, Ranjani



Getting your mails out of spam filters is not easy. Technically these two are important: 1. Setup SPF 2. Setup DKIM

Then the third is the language you use in the emails. Another is your email provider's reputation.

This has more info: How to Avoid Spam Filters | MailChimp : http://mailchimp.com/resources/guides/how-to-avoid-spam-filters/

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