I asked a question a while back about why the default equality comparer didn't seem to work when I was union two collections of entities.

EF Code First - Linq to Entities Union EqualityComparer

The answer was due to the fact that I was using two difference instances of my DbContext hence different references.

So now I am trying to share my DbContent across the request. I see a few "complicated" examples but I thought I'd try for a more simple solution.

So I created a IDbContext interface which simply outlines my Entities

public interface IDbContext {
   int SaveChanges();
   DbSet<News> News { get; set; }
   DbSet<Category> Categories { get; set; }

My DbContext is then implement like this:

public class SiteContext : DbContext, IDbContext {
   public DbSet<News> News { get; set; }
   public DbSet<Category> Categories { get; set; }

   protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder) {

Then in my two repositories (NewsRepository and CategoryRespository) I have the IDbContext as a constructor parameter

IDbContext _db;

public NewsRepository(IDbContext db) {
    _db = db;

So now I assume that if I bind IDbContext to SiteContext in the request scope my repositories will share the same context?


However, when I try my union again from the previous question I still receive duplicate entities! What I am doing wrong? How can I tell if I am definitely using the same context in one request?



Because when each repository is constructed Ninject will is providing you with a new instance of SiteContext per repository. Thats why its not working. Its a good idea to use a unitofwork implementation which means all repositories use the same context.
The UnitOfWork would take in a IDbContext on construction.

Some thing like this would work

private IDbContext _context;

public UnitOfWork(IDbContext context)
    _context = context

private _INewsRepository;
public INewsRepoitory 
         if(_INewsRepository == null)
              _INewsRepository = new NewsREpository(_context);
              return _INewsRepository;
              return _INewsRepository;


To improve the solution of feanz I would still do property injection of the INewsRepository with Ninject:

public INewsRepository NewsRepo {get;set;}

Every time an IUnitOfWork is created there is also an INewsRepository created. This must still be added to your ninject bindings.

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