There is an Activity that I want to set autoLink attribute of TextView. Also I want to recognize USSD codes like *140*7# and act when has touched it such as phone number, website url, email address.

[Notice] In general, I would like using a customize TextView that can recognize USSD codes, too.

enter image description here

I have been googling but I could not find a suitable solution.



At Last, I can find a solution for my request. As @basant_matharu mentioned at the comment, I extent TextView element that you can see that in below code:

public class LinkEnabledTextView extends TextView {

    // Pattern for gathering *140*1# from the Text
    Pattern ussdPattern = Pattern.compile("(\\*[0-9]+[\\*[0-9]+]*#)");
    private TextLinkClickListener mListener;
    private ArrayList<Hyperlink> listOfLinks;

    public LinkEnabledTextView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
        super(context, attrs);
        listOfLinks = new ArrayList<Hyperlink>();


    public void setText(String text) {
        SpannableString linkableText = new SpannableString(text);

        gatherLinks(listOfLinks, linkableText, ussdPattern);

        for (Hyperlink linkSpec : listOfLinks) {
            // this process here makes the Clickable Links from the text
            linkableText.setSpan(linkSpec.span, linkSpec.start, linkSpec.end, Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
        // sets the text for the TextView with enabled links

    public void setOnTextLinkClickListener(TextLinkClickListener newListener) {
        mListener = newListener;

    private void gatherLinks(ArrayList<Hyperlink> links, Spannable s, Pattern pattern) {
        Matcher m = pattern.matcher(s);

        while (m.find()) {
            int start = m.start();
            int end = m.end();

            Hyperlink spec = new Hyperlink();
            spec.textSpan = s.subSequence(start, end);
            spec.span = new InternalURLSpan(spec.textSpan.toString());
            spec.start = start;
            spec.end = end;


    public interface TextLinkClickListener {
        public void onTextLinkClick(View textView, String clickedString);

     * Class for storing the information about the Link Location
    public class InternalURLSpan extends ClickableSpan {
        private String clickedSpan;

        public InternalURLSpan(String clickedString) {
            clickedSpan = clickedString;

        public void onClick(View textView) {
            mListener.onTextLinkClick(textView, clickedSpan);

    class Hyperlink {
        CharSequence textSpan;
        InternalURLSpan span;
        int start;
        int end;

In this class overridden setText() method for recognize any patterns like USSD codes. Also There is an interface named TextLinkClickListener that help us to call recognizes USSD code:

public interface TextLinkClickListener {
    public void onTextLinkClick(View textView, String clickedString);

Use custom class instead of TextView:


And In your activity(for example):

LinkEnabledTextView textView = (LinkEnabledTextView) findViewById(;

Everywhere you want to call USSD code, you should write below code and call LinkEnabledTextView listener:

public void onTextLinkClick(View textView, String clickedString) {
    String ussdCode = clickedString.substring(0, clickedString.indexOf("#")) + Uri.encode("#");
    startActivity(new Intent(Intent.ACTION_CALL, Uri.parse("tel:" + ussdCode)));

Oh, be aware write call permissiion in Manifest file:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CALL_PHONE" />
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