I am using "yii-user" (modules/user), now the user url is mysite.com/user/user/view/id/1 and I want change to mysite.com/profile/username

User controller is :

public function actionView()
        $model = $this->loadModel();

public function loadModel()


                throw new CHttpException(404,'The requested page does not exist.');

        return $this->_model;

     * Returns the data model based on the primary key given in the GET variable.
     * If the data model is not found, an HTTP exception will be raised.
     * @param integer the primary key value. Defaults to null, meaning using the 'id' GET variable
    public function loadUser($id=null)
            if($id!==null || isset($_GET['id']))
                $this->_model=User::model()->findbyPk($id!==null ? $id : $_GET['id']);
                throw new CHttpException(404,'The requested page does not exist.');
        return $this->_model;

I try to add this url rule 'profile/<username>' => 'user/user/view', but it still not working because the model need id in url.

Any idea please?



You should simply modify your action to handle username, e.g. :

public function actionView($id=null, $username=null)
    if (isset($id))
        $model = User::model()->findByPk($id);
    else if isset($username))
        $model = User::model()->findByAttributes(array('username'=>$username));

    if ($model===null)
        throw new CHttpException(404,'The requested page does not exist.');


And make sure :

  • username is unique,
  • you have the corresponding url rule in your config.
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