Gmail is wonderful in that anything sent with that SMTP will be saved in the "sent" folder online; unfortunately, none of my other email servers provide this. My intent, then, is to automatically add a Bcc to whatever email address I'm sending from. but I could use some help in adjusting my .gnus to do this. Here's what I have in my .gnus:

; includes reply-to with whoever an incoming mail was sent to
    (setq gnus-posting-styles
      '(((header "to" "")
         (address ""))
    ((header "to" "")
         (address ""))
    ((header "to" "")
         (address ""))
    ((header "to" "")
         (address ""))
    ((header "to" "")
         (address ""))
    ((header "cc" "")
         (address ""))
    ((header "cc" "")
         (address ""))
    ((header "cc" "")
         (address ""))
    ((header "cc" "")
         (address ""))
    ((header "cc" "")
         (address ""))

How can set it to BCC whatever email I am using besides gmail? And is there a way to do this on a new message where the from address is specified at send-time, not at creation-time?



Here is a partial answer:

This goes in the init.el or .emacs file:

(setq mail-user-agent 'sendmail-user-agent)

(setq mail-self-blind t)

(setq user-mail-address "")

Then, M-x compose-email

ALTERNATIVE: Insert the bcc whenever desired. I have added mail-send-and-exit so that it is possible to do everything at the time of sending if that is what the user prefers. The function worldsendless-mail-bcc can be further customized to give the user options for selecting different bcc email addresses that are predetermined, or it can be more complex such as looking to see who it is from (i.e., examine the sender email account) to choose a bcc based upon the sender.

(setq mail-bcc "")

(defun worldsendless-mail-bcc ()
  "Move point to end of BCC field, creating it if necessary."
  (or (mail-position-on-field "bcc" t)
      (progn (mail-position-on-field "to")
       (insert (concat "\nBCC: " mail-bcc) )))
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