I am working with Modern UI and attempting to make a dialog box that asks a question and then waits for a response. I can do this with messagebox but though I would try using modern UI. I am unsure of how to get the button clicked value.

if (testapp.linkvalue != "NULL")
    var v = new ModernDialog
        Title = "my test",
        Content = "pewpew lazers rule. If you agree click ok"
    v.Buttons = new Button[] { v.OkButton, v.CancelButton };
    var r = v.ShowDialog();
    if (????????????????)
        MessageBox.Show("ok was clicked");
        MessageBox.Show("cancel was clicked");

解决方案 2

private void CommonDialog_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        var dlg = new ModernDialog {
            Title = "Common dialog",
            Content = new LoremIpsum()
        dlg.Buttons = new Button[] { dlg.OkButton, dlg.CancelButton};

        this.dialogResult.Text = dlg.DialogResult.HasValue ? dlg.DialogResult.ToString() : "<null>";
        this.dialogMessageBoxResult.Text = dlg.MessageBoxResult.ToString();


if (testapp.linkvalue != "NULL")
    var v = new ModernDialog
        Title = "my test",
        Content = "pewpew lazers rule. If you agree click ok"
v.OkButton.Click += new RoutedEventHandler(OkButton_Click);
    v.Buttons = new Button[] { v.OkButton, v.CancelButton };
    var r = v.ShowDialog();


//And Then Create OkButtonClick

private void OkButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            MessageBox.Show("ok was clicked");

It might be another solution using extension method.

var r = v.ShowDialogOKCancel();
if (r==MessageBoxResult.OK)
    MessageBox.Show("ok was clicked");
    MessageBox.Show("cancel was clicked");

static class ModernDialogExtension
    static MessageBoxResult result;

    public static MessageBoxResult ShowDialogOKCancel(this FirstFloor.ModernUI.Windows.Controls.ModernDialog modernDialog)
        result = MessageBoxResult.Cancel;

        modernDialog.OkButton.Click += new RoutedEventHandler(OkButton_Click);
        modernDialog.Buttons = new Button[] { modernDialog.OkButton, modernDialog.CloseButton };


        return result;

    private static void OkButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        result = MessageBoxResult.OK;
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