Sonatype Nexus: User managed Custom Admin Roles are not able to view logs & gets an error while viewing Capabilities (in Nexus UI)


I have a Admin user with restricted access to repositories. That is, I create a user and gave access to everything except create/delete access to repositories. But this shouldn't stop the user from viewing logs and capabilities section in Nexus.

I've 2 issues for this user, (1) the user is not able to view the contents of "Log" tab in Nexus UI and (2) the user gets a 403 error message popup box while the user tries to view the "capabilities" Section in Nexus UI. Please see the below details.

1) I see the below warning in nexus.log file when the user tries to view the Log tab in Nexus:

2014-02-20 10:31:58 WARN  [qtp11244797-36] testadmin - (ID 085cefa0-58da-45c7-97cc-ca6e1365e8ff) Response: [403] (no entity/body) mapped from org.apache.shiro.authz.AuthorizationException/User is not permitted: nexus:log:read

Below is the screenshot when the user tries to see logs in Nexus UI.

enter image description here

2) The 403 forbidden error message popup box is slightly different from the above Log issue. Thing is, the user is able to view/change all capabilities just by simply hitting the "ok" button.

I see the below warning in nexus.log file when the user tries to view the capabilities tab in Nexus UI:

2014-02-20 11:26:05 WARN  [qtp11244797-36] testadmin - (ID 1b04266c-b14b-44c7-a145-7db119cd492e) Response: [403] ErrorXO{id='1b04266c-b14b-44c7-a145-7db119cd492e', message='User is not permitted: nexus:capabilityTypesread'} mapped from org.apache.shiro.authz.AuthorizationException/User is not permitted: nexus:capabilityTypesread

Below is the screenshot when the user tries to see capabilities in Nexus UI.

enter image description here

Below is the Screenshot of the Role & Privileges of this admin user:

enter image description here

Please let me know if I'm missing anything here and thanks for the help in advance.!!!!!



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