I'm writing a function to produce a SHA256 hash on a file. Here is the code I use

public string ComputeHash(Byte[] inputBytes)
        Byte[] hashedBytes = new SHA256Managed().ComputeHash(inputBytes);
        return BitConverter.ToString(hashedBytes);

Very simple. The fact is that the hashing produced seems not to be valid, according on a couple of tool I tried and, in effect, is different from any other sha256 string I ever seen (and is not even 256 byte). One result, for example is


Even if I trim out every - char, everything is uppercase, while I always saw lowercase rappresentation. (Is that a problem too) I'm wondering if I'm using the library in a correct way. please help



SHA-256 means 256 bits, aka 32 bytes which is what you're seeing.

Lower-case and upper-case are irrelevant here - that's just the representation of the bytes as a string. Ditto whether or not there are hyphens between the bytes. Different tools produce different hex string representations, that's all... so I'd expect "1210B2" to be equivalent to "12-10-b2" etc.

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