Hi I am stuck with a very basic and messy problem, i have gone through other questions but none of them were solving my problem. I have a csv file with some data with foreign characters. when i am inserting it into MySQL table one by one by copy pasting it is reflecting properly. But when i am using import function of phpmyadmin and importing it using loadinfile then it is not reflecting. the data get truncated.The sample data is something like this

Azienda Unità Sanitaria Locale Di Cesena

It is showing just

Azienda Unit

Any help in this regard would be very appreciating!!

PS: i have done utf8 selection everywhere



Open your csv file in editor like notepad++ which gives facility to convert to UTF-8. If you use notepad++,

  • Go to Encoding menu > Convert to UTF-8 (3rd Last option).
  • Save your file.

Now try importing your database from csv file.


I miss interpreted question, Please use mysql administrator ,sqlyog or any other software.

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