Working on adding open graph tags to the individual pages of our wedding photography site for use by the Facebook Like button. I'm close, but I still get one warning Extraneous Property: Objects of this type do not allow properties named og:sitename.

    <head prefix="og: fb: website:">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
    <meta http-equiv="imagetoolbar" content="no">
    <meta name="generator" content="jAlbum 9,">
    <meta property="fb:admins"               content='1591068265'> 
    <meta property="og:type"                 content="website"> 
    <meta property="og:sitename"             content="Dawn Kelly Photography"> 
    <meta property="og:url"                  content=""> 
    <meta property="og:image"                content="">
    <meta property="og:title"                content="Facebook Test Gallery - NodownLoad.jpg">
    <meta property="og:description"          content="Facebook Test Gallery, image: NodownLoad.jpg"> 

Since it is saying it is extraneous, does that mean I don't need the sitename tag? As for the type, is "website" a good choice, or should I pick "product" or something else since the page is a page to purchase the image.



A page like that should definitely not use the website type as that's intended for whole sites and not individual pages on a site, product is probably a more appropriate type. Additionally, the correct property is og:site_name and not og:sitename so that is probably what is causing your issue.

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