Could someone explain why a casted to object fails to use an implicit conversion operator? The implicit cast operator seems to be used before it's boxed but once it's boxed it fails.

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        var ms = new MemoryStream();
        var wrapper = new GenericWrapper<MemoryStream> { Item = ms };

        object obj = wrapper; 
        object objMs = ms;

        MemoryStream passingImplicitCast = (MemoryStream)wrapper;

        MemoryStream passingCast = (MemoryStream)objMs;
        MemoryStream failingCast = (MemoryStream)obj; //Throws Unable to cast object 

class GenericWrapper<T>
    public T Item { get; set; }

    public static implicit operator T(GenericWrapper<T> value)
        return value.Item;



You can't surpass type-casting obj to GenericWrapper<MemoryStream>, because :

  1. object doesn't know how to convert it self to MemoryStream
  2. obj is originally a GenericWrapper<MemoryStream>

your only option is to cast obj to GenericWrapper<MemoryStream> :

MemoryStream failingCast = (MemoryStream)(GenericWrapper<MemoryStream>)obj;

and having it type-casted to GenericWrapper<MemoryStream>, it now know how to convert it self implicitly to type MemoryStream because GenericWrapper<MemoryStream> has implicit operator definition.

Well, test with this line:

MemoryStream failingCast = (GenericWrapper<MemoryStream>)obj;

In the end, "failingCast" is a System.IO.MemoryStream.

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Since obj is a object you need to be more specific, and set GenericWrapper<MemoryStream>. you need to return the value T:

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