Using Erlang, I have the following expression:


and I am using lists:keymember to see whether the letter b is within the expression as such:


However, it doesn't look within the third tuple '{mul,{num,2},{var,b}' as that is a separate tuple. Is there a function that will search through the whole tuple and tuples within?




As far I as I know there are no such functions. Probably you will have to implement some custom solution using recursion. Here is my example:


find(_, []) -> false;

find(E, T) when is_tuple(T) ->
    find(E, tuple_to_list(T));

find(E, [H|T]) ->
    case find(E, H) of
        false -> find(E, T);
        true -> true

find(V, E) -> V == E.

And usage:

1> test:find(b, {add,{var,a},{mul,{num,2},{var,b}}}).
2> test:find(b, {add,{var,a},{mul,{num,2},{var,c}}}).


Please review your code.

  • Line1: this is a tree, not a list.
  • Line2: expr is not a variable.

What you want to do is a visitor function, and you'll have to write it yourself. A very good start would be to read this.

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