Good day all,

As the question states, I would like to have the page redirect to the url in the <link> once the <title> element of the RSS <item> is clicked.

The code in my JQUERY file looks like so,


var rssUrl = $("item>link").html();



    <rss version="2.0">
          <title>First Article</title>
          <title>Second Article</title>

What's happening with this code, is that when I click the title it doesnt redirect to the desired page. The page just reloads.

I would like it so that clicking the FIRST ARTICLE, will redirect to Google. Clicking the SECOND ARTICLE, will redirect to StackOverflow.

I intend to add more <item>s, so I would like each <title> to have the page redirect to the corresponding <link>.

Any assistance is appreciated.



You can use:

    var url = $(this).next().text();
    window.location.replace(url); // or window.location.href = url
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